Chapter 318 She is simply not good enough

Xia Yue'er thought coldly, it wasn't that she didn't like Xia Xingxi, it was that she couldn't do it at all!

"No.1 this time is definitely mine."

After Xia Yue'er finished speaking, she turned her head and left. Seeing this, Martha and Li Xiaochen turned their heads to comfort Xia Xingxi: "Don't worry about her, every day I feel that I am better than others, but the result is nothing!"

"That's right, besides coming to trouble you, I really don't know what else she will do!"

The two comforted Xia Xingxi, but Xia Xingxi didn't care at all. She smiled calmly: "Don't worry, I haven't let her in my eyes yet. Let's work hard for the individual competition in a while."

"Well, let's work together!"

"Yes, come on, Xia Xingxi, I won't let you, I also want to go straight to the military academy!" Martha shook her fist, thinking that it would take two years for her to take the military academy exam, but now thanks to the star beast for attacking, what else? It's their first grader's turn, huh?
Seeing that everyone was full of confidence, Xia Xingxi felt relieved and turned around to the entrance of the competition.

The person in charge briefly explained the rules. In fact, there are no rules. It just needs to hit the prey within the specified time. The bigger and more dangerous the prey is, the higher the score will be.

Hearing that the students were all gearing up, their faces were full of excitement.

Lou Zhanxiao and Jiang Chenyi sat at the general command office, and the light screen here could see the situation on the field.

"Because of the environmental factors on Titan, the animals and plants here are very large. I hope your daughter-in-law will not be frightened when she sees such a big thing for the first time." Jiang Chenyi continued to speak sarcasticly, but Lou Zhanxiao turned his head and looked over, his eyes widened. Staring at Jiang Chen together: "What if she's not afraid?"

"Not afraid? Ha!" Jiang Chen laughed straight away, only you, a man who is in love, would have such ridiculous thoughts: "If you are not afraid, then you are not afraid, ask me what to do, okay, if she can If you get the ranking, I will recommend her to go to the military academy, okay! Listen clearly, I didn't say No.1, I said get the ranking, get the ranking!"

It is not difficult to get the ranking, because it is assessed by two schools together, the number of students in one school is more than 200, and there are more than 30 people in the two schools, and the top [-] rankings will be awarded.

If Xia Xingxi is really this powerful, I will definitely recommend her, absolutely! !

"You don't need to be recommended to win the ranking." Lou Zhanxiao's face was extremely calm.

"Then what do you say!" Jiang Chenyi also went all out, and the man thought about it very seriously: "If she can get the ranking, I hope you will treat her better in the future and treat her like a good buddy's wife Take care, understand?"


I understand you bastard!
The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitched, he wanted Xia Xingxi to step on his head.

Seeing his reluctance, Lou Zhanxiao didn't care, he just said coldly: "You can't beat her anyway, can you?"


This, this is simply a great shame!

A serious individual soldier in the military department can't beat a freshman from a reserve military academy. It really makes him feel ashamed to mention it, but he has no choice, because he really can't beat him, so he can only admit his bad luck! !
Jiang Chen puffed up his cheeks in a fit of anger, and he was so depressed that he could only give in for a while: "Okay, I will take care of her, but you have to convince me, unless she takes first place!!"

Isn't it Blue Star Reserve Military Academy No.1?Then show your strength, if you can still maintain No.1, I will obey, from head to toe! !

Seeing that he finally nodded, Lou Zhanxiao was satisfied, he poured a cup of coffee in a good mood, and tasted it elegantly.

His dark eyes fell on the slender figure on the light screen, and the corners of Lou Zhanxiao's thin lips lifted into a smile, full of pampering.

lose?how could be?The so-called test is not only about strength, but also brains, and his little wife is the most brainy person.

Star, looking forward to your performance.

(End of this chapter)

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