The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 245 Searching for the Secret Path

Chapter 245 Searching for the Secret Path
"Your Majesty is a king and a father, and you have to make up all your ideas." Sheng Jingmo avoided answering.

The third prince's account is sincere and sincere. The words between the lines are all about what happened with His Majesty when he was a child. He admits his mistakes earnestly and enthusiastically, saying that he understands his father's good intentions and wants the loving father to release him, he will definitely Obey his father's words and do things that benefit the country and the people.

If he hadn't intercepted this excerpt, he would have been able to see Li Nanchen's figure in the courtroom tomorrow.

When Emperor Jia Ning saw Sheng Jingmo's stern brows and eyes, he recalled everything in the past, remembered Li Nanrui's obsession and roar after breaking his hand, and his heart sank slightly: "Send someone to continue to watch him, never let him come out."

When Sheng Jingmo heard what he wanted to hear, he stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, do you still remember that this minister once told you that there are secret passages in the capital, and asked His Majesty to send someone to investigate. Has Your Majesty found it?"

He was stationed outside all the year round, and he didn't know much about the capital. The secret way could only be checked by His Majesty's people, so it was inconvenient for him to intervene.Just a reminder.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Sheng Jingmo, and there was a kind of fear in his heart. He lowered his eyes and looked at the memorial he had placed in the imperial case, and said in shock, "The secret passage has not been investigated yet. You have reached a conclusion."

"If the lost prince is imprisoned, he should recharge his energy and gather some good things to contribute to His Majesty, in order to ask His Majesty to release him leniently." Sheng Jingmo lowered his eyes and smiled lightly, saying: "The third prince can go. But if he is in a hurry, then there is only one possibility that he still has an abandoned son who can help him make a comeback."

"The secret way has nothing to do with the third prince!" Sheng Jingmo directly concluded.

Emperor Jianing heard Sheng Jingmo's deafening remarks, and was even more angry in his heart: "If you are really related to the third child, I am afraid that you have secretly supported your own army."

"Go check it out and see that the army in the DPRK is related to Li Nanchen. Once it is found, it will be taken into custody immediately. You secretly hand over a small team of troops to Yinyin, and let Yinyin lead them to check. Be sure to check it out."

Emperor Jia Ning handed out the book: "You keep this book, and save it in the palace to be eye-catching."

"Yes." Sheng Jingmo took the book.

Li Nanchen waited and waited and did not get the imperial decree of pardon. He became more and more anxious in his heart. He sent Yin Liwen to go outside the door to see where his bodyguard who picked up his book this morning was.

Yin Liwen secretly searched around and couldn't find any trace of the guard, so she immediately went back and told Yu Li Nanchen that she knew.

"Are you sure?" Li Nanchen looked at Yin Liwen with a heavy stone in his heart.

"My subordinates searched twice and couldn't find any guards." Yin Liwen's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and she also knew in her heart that the people who watched them outside were [-]% personally selected by Sheng Jingmo, and it was even possible that those people were also caught People are watching secretly.

Sheng Jingmo is so strict to guard it is that he wants to cut off all their paths!

Li Nanchen sneered: "This book is the last chance I gave the father and emperor. They didn't seize this opportunity themselves, so don't blame me for not caring about the father and son."

Yin Liwen immediately replied, "My subordinates will prepare now."

The eldest prince has already been abolished. If there is any accident with His Majesty, then the position of Supreme Being will be in His Highness's pocket.

It is very difficult to deal with His Majesty, but the situation is tense right now. If they don't do anything until Sheng Jingmo and Xiliang County become stronger and stronger, they will really have no chance.

"Remember to be silent." Li Nanchen reminded softly, playing with the dagger in his hand seriously, the corners of his eyes and brows glowing with a cold light like frost.

Yin Liwen nodded and walked away.

Bai Qingyin watched a large group of soldiers stand outside Nianhua Xiaoyuan, ready to obey orders.

"Why did you bring them to my mansion?" She asked softly, looking at Sheng Jingmo, who was riding valiantly on the horse.

"Your Majesty has a purpose: There are secret passages hidden in the capital. In the future, these soldiers will follow the orders of the county master of Xiliang, and you must follow the orders of the county master until the secret passages are found." Sheng Jingmo announced loudly.

After he finished speaking, he got off and came to Bai Qingyin's side: "In the future, these people will follow your orders, and you can dispatch them at will."

Bai Qingyin looked at the murderous soldier in front of him and whispered, "Why. It's me again?"

Can't you just let her rest for a while?

Sheng Jingmo looked at the little girl and said softly, "Your Majesty only believes in you, so only you can handle this matter. Don't let down your Majesty's heart."

"Hey!" Bai Qingyin sighed: "Aren't you afraid that I will support my troops?"

After a slight rant, Bai Qingyin still accepted her fate and led the horse: "Let's go with me."

Sheng Jingmo watched Bai Qingyin ride his own horse away, leaving him alone, his eyes twitched slightly, he could only order someone to bring Bai Qingyin's Jingfan, and neatly mounted the horse to catch up with Bai Qingyin.

"Yinyin, why did you leave me?" Sheng Jingmo asked unwillingly, chasing after him.

"I thought you were busy!" Bai Qingyin explained softly, looking straight ahead.

"No matter what I have, I don't think it's possible for you to lead the troops out on errands alone." Sheng Jingmo explained.

"I don't want to leave everything to you, I just want to solve those things with you." He held her hand and said softly.

Yinyin, do you know that the path you are taking now cannot go wrong.

Those many eyes are looking at you, they are all waiting for your results.

Yinyin, soon, soon, you are not far from that position.

He stepped forward to hold her hand and said softly, "Yinyin, let's go together."

Bai Qingyin immediately wanted to withdraw his hand: "No, so many people are watching!"

"Yinyin, don't worry. I will always be by your side."

"I have requested an decree with Your Majesty that we will be married on March [-] next year."

He held her hand and explained with a smile: "As for them, they know when they should be blind and when they should see."

"Is that how you usually threaten them?" Bai Qingyin felt a little helpless.

"This is not a threat." Sheng Jingmo replied softly.

Bai Qingyin looked at Sheng Jingmo and shook her head helplessly.


Now that there are soldiers and horses that can be searched openly and openly, they carefully surveyed the place where Li Nanchen disappeared last time.

Li Nanchen does things cunningly, and he will not give up until he achieves his goals.

He definitely has his back.

"You can send someone to carefully search the courtyards you burned down last time." Bai Qingyin looked at Sheng Jingmo beside him.

Sheng Jingmo frowned: "Where do you suspect there is a secret passage?"

"You'll find out if you check it!" Bai Qingyin looked at the soldiers searching on the street: "If you want to check it, you must check it to the end, and don't miss any details."

"Okay. I'll take someone to investigate!"

Shengjing Mo Lema walked forward and ordered the soldiers behind him: "Protect the county master, and the rest of the people will follow me."

 Attend the niece's entrance banquet.

  My husband is 29 and his niece is 18, crying with laughter!
  There is no time, and the wireless network of the hotel is not easy to use, so I can only use the mobile phone to code a chapter.


(End of this chapter)

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