The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 246 Jingmo, Can You Forgive Me?

Chapter 246 Jingmo, Can You Forgive Me?

Under the moonlight, Sheng Jingmo led a team of people to search.

Seeing the dark moonlight, Sheng Jingmo arrested Cheng Fan, who had been busy all day, and let him continue to supervise the army's search. He turned around and left to send Bai Qingyin home.

Completely disregarding Cheng Fan's wailing with dark circles under his eyes.

Cheng Fan's wedding was approaching, he was greeted by his mother to run around, and it became extremely difficult to meet the girl of the Cheng family when he was busy on weekdays.

Now that things were finally arranged properly, and Sheng Jingmo was pulled over to stay up late, Cheng Fan was so sleepy.

After Sheng Jingmo sent the little girl home, Bai Qingyin took his hand: "It's not something that can be found overnight. Don't push the soldiers too quickly, and arrange the time reasonably."

Sheng Jingmo: "I know, you brought Cheng Fan here today because you have something to tell him."

"Yeah!" Bai Qingyin responded, and added: "You and Uncle Sheng should also find an opportunity to have a good chat."

"Aunt Yun has been waiting for a long time. She finally waited for Uncle Sheng to come back. She definitely doesn't want to see the scene where your father and son don't know each other now."

"My mother is looking for you?" Sheng Jingmo asked softly, with a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

"It's not your mother, it's your father who came to look for me. He looked for me three times." Bai Qingyin held his hand and persuaded: "I know you have resentment in your heart, so you will find a way to get rid of it. Forgive him for this grievance! He was also very annoyed that he couldn't accompany you either."

"In the end, it's his teacher's sect that has had too much influence on him, which can be considered excusable. It's a bit too much for you to not let him into the house."

Saying that, Bai Qingyin jokingly warned: "However, you really have to teach him a lesson and let him have a long memory."

Sheng Jingmo was full of resentment, but after hearing Bai Qingyin's words, he said softly, "Let's talk about this later, he will always have to suffer."

"Yeah." Bai Qingyin nodded.

When Brother Jingmo first entered the palace, he was often bullied by others. All of this was caused by Sheng Ze's departure but not his return.

"By the way, pay attention to Sui Dazhuang's affairs. Since I adopted the Song Ning brothers and sisters, I have to be responsible for her." Bai Qingyin entrusted.

"Okay, leave this to me, and I will give you a satisfactory answer." Sheng Jingmo promised, and then said, "Go back quickly and rest."

"Cheng Fan, I'm calling you tonight to remind you of something." Sheng Jingmo rushed to Cheng Fan's side and reminded in a low voice.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Fan asked in a low voice.

Specially called him out and said that it must be an urgent matter.

"Li Nanchen is not someone who sits and waits to die. Now he is trapped in the mansion, but this matter will never end here." Sheng Jingmo pointed to the soldiers who were searching ahead and said, "Li Nanchen dug a secret passage in the capital. , we have searched the streets for empty houses. But we found nothing."

"I suspect that the secret passage may be in some courtiers' mansion. On the day of your wedding, I will try my best to invite the famous families and scholars in the capital. I will lead people to search all those official mansions."

If you want to find out this matter without knowing it, you must search out the secret passage with lightning speed before Li Nanchen can react.

Cheng Fan said, "General, with so many people in the capital, how could you possibly finish the search in one day?"

Sheng Jingmo: "His Majesty has ordered a thorough investigation. We have people and horses, and one day is enough."

"Then I will go to Taifu's mansion tomorrow morning, discuss with my father-in-law, and invite everyone who can be invited to the scene." Cheng Fan agreed immediately.

Sheng Jingmo nodded slightly and sent soldiers to surround the collapsed houses.Then ordered the other soldiers to go back to rest.

When Sheng Jingmo returned to the mansion, Sheng Ze was guarding outside the gate of the mansion: "Yinyin asked you to come?"

"Yes." Sheng Ze scratched his head spoon awkwardly.

Why can Jingmo guess what he does?

Sheng Jingmo said to the soldiers beside him, "Go to Nianhua Xiaoyuan to find the housekeeper, and move three altars for a thousand miles to get drunk."

"Yes." The soldier took the order and left.

Sheng Jingmo raised his hand and looked at Sheng Ze, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his lips, as if he was thinking about something.

Sheng Ze secretly swallowed a saliva and asked timidly, "What do you want to do?"

Sheng Jingmo hooked his lips, and the corners of his lips curled into a beautiful arc, and said, "When they come back, you will know."

Sheng Jingmo's tone was particularly gentle, but Sheng Ze felt creepy and cold.

Sheng Ze stared blankly at the three large wine jars on the table that were thicker than his waist, and asked tremblingly, "Jing Mo, what are you trying to do by having people bring so much wine here?"

"The wine is of course for drinking." Sheng Jingmo opened the seal and poured a bowl of wine for Sheng Ze with the wine jar: "If you can drink all the three jars of wine tonight, I will forgive you."

"If I finish these wines, will you really forgive me?" Sheng Ze held up the wine bowl.

Sheng Jingmo picked up the wine bowl, poured another one for him, and said, "Drink it!"

Sheng Ze picked up the wine bowl, raised his head, and drank it all in one gulp.

Sheng Jingmo saw that he drank a bowl and poured another bowl of wine for him without interruption.

Sheng Ze also had the guts to drink it one sip after another.

Yao shi hurriedly paced back and forth outside the door, but did not dare to open the door to ask about the situation, for fear that if he entered, he would be self-defeating and make their father-son relationship even more rigid.

"Continue drinking!" Sheng Jingmo saw the figure outside the window and knew that it was his mother, so he got up and opened the door after throwing a threatening word.

Sheng Jingmo urged his mother to leave: "Mother, if you don't go back and rest, tonight."

"Mom, let's go now, let's go now." Yao Shi knew that his son had a tough temper, so he didn't dare to argue, so he turned around and left.

Sheng Jingmo pushed open the door and returned to the room, looking at the man who looked like him, his eyes were dark and unclear, even he himself didn't know why he was thinking in his heart?
Yinyin said that the matter between them can't be dragged on like this, and they should find a time to resolve it.

Now watching him drinking bowl after bowl of wine, I feel melancholy, resentment, resentment, as well as unwillingness and annoyance.

Sheng Ze didn't know how much he drank, but he couldn't hold it anymore. He lay on the table and muttered, "I really didn't mean to not come back."

"It was my master who said I couldn't come back."

"Jingmo, the root of everything is me. It was I who entered the WTO to look for a senior brother and caused Dongyuan to change the owner. It was I who abducted Xu Guosheng's girl's next son."

"It's not that I'm not coming back, I'm afraid that my return will cause turmoil in the world."

"Jing Mo, I miss you very much, and also miss your mother. I always wanted to come back, but I didn't dare"

Sheng Ze lay on the table and apologized softly: "Jingmo, forgive me. Will you?"

Author's Note: In December last year, my grandmother passed away. This year, I should go home to worship my ancestors during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Since I wrote the book, I have never stopped changing for no reason.

The next update will be served at around ten o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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