The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 256 A man always does some stupid things when he is drunk

Chapter 256 A man always does some stupid things when he is drunk

"Father, now they have got their retribution." Bai Qingyin looked at her father who cared for her and persuaded softly.

"Yinyin." Bai Heyan knew that her daughter was her distressed Emperor Jia Ning, but he couldn't let go no matter what.

How can those little evil obstacles be worthy of living in this world?

"Father, now that the truth has been found out, we can't hold on to our uncle and not let go! It's not uncle who made the mistake." After Bai Qingyin persuaded her father, she looked back at Emperor Jia Ning and walked over to him: "Uncle, this It has nothing to do with you, I can let go, and I hope you can too."

"Yinyin, I know what your father means. It's your father's fault if you don't teach them. The mistake they committed is that I don't discipline me strictly, and I must be responsible." Emperor Jianing held Bai Qingyin's hand and took it seriously. The guarantee said: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you an explanation.",

"Okay." Bai Qingyin responded, just wanting to reassure Emperor Jia Ning.

"How can you give my daughter an explanation?" Bai Heyan knew that her daughter wanted to settle the matter, but he couldn't just let it go.

Emperor Jia Ning was sure to give him and the soldiers an explanation.

Sheng Jingmo knew that Bai Qingyin didn't want to hurt the relationship between His Majesty and his adoptive father. Seeing that things became more and more stiff, he stepped forward and advised: "Foster father, Your Majesty always walks the talk. We will wait for the result. be fine."

Seeing Sheng Jingmo speak, Bai Qingyin smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"I'm hungry." The atmosphere was very stiff, Bai Qingyin could only find a lame excuse and reason to make them each take a step back.

During dinner, Sheng Jingmo specially ordered Eunuch Yi to send three jars of spirits, dismissed the palace servants, and took the opportunity to get them drunk.

Emperor Jia Ning was full of grievances, and Bai Heyan's anger did not dissipate. After being drunk, Bai Heyan questioned Emperor Jia Ning fiercely, and then the two quarreled. Finally, under Sheng Jingmo's provocation, the two scuffled together like children.

Bai Qingyin wanted to persuade the fight, but was pulled by Sheng Jingmo and stood aside to watch the play, until the two fell into a dizzy sleep.

Sheng Jingmo then carried Emperor Jia Ning back to the inner hall, and escorted Bai Heyan to the palace of Xiliang.

Just as Sheng Jingmo stepped out of the door, Bai Qingyin grabbed the front of his shirt: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"You dare to get them drunk and let them fight together." Bai Qingyin "savagely" accused Sheng Jingmo: "You are not afraid that your Majesty and father will wake up tomorrow and blame you."

Uncle's eyes were beaten ashen, it is impossible to recover in a short time, and he will not be laughed at by the ministers tomorrow.

The old lady's youngest daughter is getting married, and as an emperor, she should attend, staring at such an eye and a face full of scars, how can he attend!
Sheng Jingmo drank a lot of alcohol in order to get the two of them drunk, and he had a severe headache at this time, pinching his palms to keep himself awake.

"No matter how many knots there are in a man's heart, he is frustrated and annoyed, as long as he gets into a fight, it will be fine." Sheng Jingmo worked hard to calm his voice.

"That doesn't work either! The two of them have high power, how can you let them do it." Bai Qing asked in a tone of voice.

Sheng Jingmo's consciousness became more and more blurred, and he pinched his palm hard: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Seeing Sheng Jingmo's small movements, Bai Qingyin immediately held his hand and asked, "What's the matter with you, what are you doing by pinching yourself?"

Sheng Jingmo glanced at the little girl who cared about him and smiled softly: "Yinyin, I have a headache."

Seeing him frown, the little girl immediately stepped forward to hold his hand, and invited the housekeeper and the housekeeper to send Sheng Jingmo back to his palace.

Yao Shi and Sheng Ze immediately surrounded them and asked, "What's wrong?"

However, Sheng Jingmo seemed to be unable to see other people and completely ignored it.Holding Bai Qingyin's hand tightly, he said, "Yinyin, don't go, you can stay with me for a while, okay?"

Sheng Ze and Yao Shi looked at Bai Qingyin tacitly, and asked in a low voice, "County Master, what happened to Jingmo?"

When Bai Qingyin was being held tightly by Sheng Jingmo, she couldn't move, so she could only look back at Yao Shi and instructed: "Aunt Yun, Brother Jingmo has drunk too much, go and prepare a bowl of sober soup!"

"Okay." Yao Shi said and turned to leave.

"Then Jingmo can't be here alone!" Sheng Ze asked worriedly.

"It's just you." Yao shi gave her husband a fierce look and pulled him away: "Come with me to make sober soup."

"I don't want it. Last time, this brat gave me three jars of wine and made me drunk. In the end, he didn't care about my life and ran away by himself." Not convinced.

"You have the ability to say this in front of your son!" Yao Shi said fiercely, and then ordered: "If you don't want to "die ugly," hurry up and cook sober soup."

"Oh!" Sheng Ze finally bent down in front of his daughter-in-law.

Bai Qingyin didn't care about Sheng Ze and Yao Shi, she just looked at the man holding her hand: "Are you really drunk or fake, why are you so rascal!"

Sheng Jingmo seemed to be ringing in her ears again, avoiding her question and begging: "Yinyin, I have a terrible headache, can you rub it for me?"

Bai Qingyin has never been drunk. How to tell the truth from the fake? Seeing Sheng Jingmo's frowning eyebrows with a hint of distress in his eyes, he raised his hands and kneaded his temples: "Is this here? Is it better?"

"It still hurts a bit, you rub it lightly." Sheng Jingmo's brows furrowed even tighter.

Sheng Ze and Yao's hangover soup was not delivered after a night of simmering. Sheng Jingmo used the wine to toss Bai Qingyin vigorously, making the housekeeper who was taking care of him wish that Sheng Jingmo's mouth would be blocked.

Men always do stupid things when they are drunk.

A headache, a backache, a need to drink water, and a cry of cold, but no matter how much tossing, the hands did not let go of the county master's hand.

Morning the next day
Sheng Jingmo had a pair of dark circles under his eyes, Emperor Jia Ning had a blue eye and swollen cheeks, and Bai Heyan had a tint around his neck. The three of them stepped into the hall and greeted the strange gazes of all the ministers.

Although things in the palace are secret, it is not without a trace. Some people saw Sheng Jingmo hurriedly stepping into the palace gate, some people saw Bai Heyan angrily broke into the palace, and then more people knew that the little princess also entered. After leaving the palace, the last three people left the palace in the middle of the night.

Seeing the wounds on Bai Heyan and His Majesty's faces, it must have been a drunken fight last night.

It's just that everyone couldn't guess what happened to the two dark circles on Sheng Jingmo's face.

Emperor Jia Ning's eyes hurt so much that he was about to lose sight, but when he vaguely saw that Bai Heyan was also covered with scars, the anger in his heart dissipated, but the two explained that they looked at Sheng Jingmo with burning eyes, and the smiles in their eyes became more and more gloomy.

The wine last night was brought up by this kid, and the quarrel was also provoked by this kid. In the end, this kid has not started the fight.
(End of this chapter)

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