The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 257 Why Don't You Go to Heaven?

Chapter 257 Why Don't You Go to Heaven?
The eyes of the two were particularly gloomy, not to mention Sheng Jingmo, even the civil servants and military generals in the palace saw the sullen eyes of His Majesty and Bai Heyan, and couldn't help but wonder in their hearts: Your Majesty and His Majesty are the most favored generals, why are they looking at the generals today? Look so bad.

Sheng Jingmo took a step forward and said, "Your Majesty and the lord fell drunk and were injured last night. The minister has prepared medicine for the two of them."

With that, he took out two bottles of wound medicine.

Eunuch Yi immediately stepped forward to take a bottle, and then whispered: "The general has a heart."

Bai Heyan came to Sheng Jingmo and took a bottle: "Wait for me, boy."

How dare you count on your father.

Sheng Jingmo said softly: "Foster father, for you and Your Majesty, I didn't drink too much last night. When I returned to the mansion, I had a terrible headache."

Bai Heyan was even more angry: "The housekeeper already told me this morning, how dare you mention last night."

Sheng Jingmo immediately apologized: "Foster father, the child was drunk last night."

He doesn't even know what he did last night!
"You know whether you are drunk or not." Bai Heyan glanced at Sheng Jingmo and threatened, "We are not done with this."

Sheng Jingmo smiled and reminded: "Foster father, this is the court, a solemn and solemn place, and some words should be said at home."

Bai Heyan immediately looked back, but saw that everyone turned their direction, the weather was fine today, and we had never seen anything.It seemed that it was not them who had just watched him bicker with Sheng Jingmo.

Seeing that the two were not talking, Emperor Jia Ning said, "The eldest prince has misconduct, he is demoted to a commoner, and he is expelled from the capital. If he sets foot in the imperial city, he will be killed without mercy."

"The rest of the affairs can be handled by the Censor Desk." The words fell, and he paced away without waiting for the courtier's response.

The ministers couldn't help but look at each other, what the hell happened!
The eldest prince has been imprisoned, how can he make mistakes, how can he be relegated to the common man, never step into the imperial city, and even say such poisonous words as killing Wushe.

At that time, many people looked at the King of Xiliang and recalled that the King of Xiliang had just returned home in the middle of the night yesterday and the wounds on several people's faces. They knew in their hearts that what the eldest prince had committed might be related to the Prince of Xiliang's mansion or the Lord of Xiliang County. related.

Bai Heyan saw Emperor Jia Ning leave, his eyes changed, grabbing Sheng Jingmo's shirt, and said coldly, "Boy, it's time to settle our account."

Sheng Jingmo was caught off guard and was pulled out of the hall, and everyone was dumbfounded.

"Is this still the rumored living King of Hell?" Wu Tongzhou whispered.

"Sir, you don't understand." Luo Ming saw Wu Tongzhou's puzzled face, and immediately explained: "The grandfather of the country was originally the adopted son of the prince, and now he will marry the county master."

Cheng Taifu took the words and said, "Faced with his adoptive father and future husband-in-law, even if he is a first-class prince, he must bow his head even if he has great ability!"

After the words fell, Mrs. Cheng stroked his gray beard, laughed and walked away.

This is the advantage of being a future old husband, but that's more than that. Every time that stinky boy Cheng Fan sees him, he nods and bows, afraid of making him angry.

Thinking that his daughter was about to be abducted, I felt a little unhappy in my heart, but every time I saw Cheng Fan's cautious look, I felt very happy.

Wu Tongzhou looked at the Master Taifu who had left, and whispered, "I was unwilling to marry a daughter in the first place, so why is it so transparent now."

"It must be that General Cheng Fan will make his father-in-law happy." Luo Ming replied.

"Recently, the situation has changed, and it is mysterious and unpredictable. Why don't you and I get together and predict the future wind and rain." Wu Tongzhou looked at the few people in front of him and suggested.

"It's exactly what I want." Several people responded.


"What kind of mistakes do you think the eldest prince made that will be demoted by His Majesty to a commoner?" Wu Tongzhou looked at the person in front of him and asked, "Do you think that the injury of His Majesty and the lord has something to do with the demotion of the eldest prince?"

Wu Tongzhou threw out the question, his eyes locked on the few people in front of him.

Li Wenzheng replied: "It must have something to do with it. Not long ago, His Majesty and the Duke went to the first prince's mansion, and I heard that His Majesty passed out when he left the mansion."

"The eldest prince must have made an unforgivable mistake." Luo Ming pondered for a moment before replying decisively.

"That's right." Wu Tongzhou nodded: "I think so too."

"If the King of Xiliang can be involved, I'm afraid only the county master..."

As soon as Wu Tongzhou said this, everyone understood: "The eldest prince is the real murderer behind the case of the county master falling into the water."

"But Your Majesty still decided to hand over the two sons of the eldest prince to the county master." Luo Ming was worried.

The old saying goes: the dragon begets the dragon and the phoenix begets the phoenix.

For a hypocritical person like the eldest prince, his son could be a good thing.

"The eldest prince has a deep scheming, the second prince is mischievous, the fourth prince is greedy and perverts the law, and the sixth prince can't tell right from wrong. I'm afraid these three princes are not clean." Wu Tongzhou came to a conclusion.

Then he stood up in the eyes of everyone: "I want to assist the county lord to ascend to the throne of God, I don't know if a few adults would like me to go with me."

This is the first time he has publicly stated his true thoughts.

"To tell you the truth, Tongzhou and I have made up my mind to let the county master ascend to a high position."

Wu Tongzhou looked down at his best friend from a height and said, "Tongzhou and his party have made me understand that only the county owner can afford the country's society and the well-being of the people in Dongyuan."

"The county master has military power, and his fiancé is the best candidate to inherit the throne." Luo Ming got up and replied.

"Xiliangcheng and his party, I also put Dongyuan's future on General Sheng and the county master." Luo Ming replied.

"My heart is the same."

"Then I'll go to find General Sheng today and see what he means." Wu Tongzhou came to a conclusion.

They all know that the county owner is unwilling to become emperor, but now they have no choice.

That room, Sheng Jingmo, was picked up by Bai Heyan and slipped out of the hall, stuffed into the carriage, and said nothing all the way.

When he arrived at the Duke's Mansion, Bai Heyan grabbed Sheng Jingmo's shirt and said, "Say, when you are with Yinyin on weekdays, you bully Yinyin's horse like that?"

"Of course not." Sheng Jingmo replied immediately: "I never let her suffer any grievances. I really drank too much last night."

"Drinking too much?" Bai Heyan's eyes narrowed slightly, an urge to strangle him.

Thinking, Bai Heyan pinched Sheng Jingmo's neck, shaking with control: "If you drink too much, then take Laozi's daughter's hand and let her bring you tea and water, rub your shoulders and beat your back, why don't you? God!"

"Sheng Jingmo, I warn you, if you dare to drink in the future, I will break your dog's legs." After the words fell, Bai He Yan got off the carriage.

I don't know where they beat each other with Emperor Jia Ning last night. The pain in the neck was tight, and the arm was also very uncomfortable.

Today, spare this stinky boy for a while, and wait for him to rest.

Humph, just wait and see!
"Foster father, I really don't know that I acted like this last night?" Sheng Jingmo got out of the car and caught up with Bai Heyan while tidying up his clothes.

"I promise to stop drinking when I go back."

He hadn't drank much, and he didn't know that he would be so foolish after drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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