The little doll grabbed Emperor Jia Ning's dragon robe and felt that the color was very beautiful, so he grabbed it and sent it to his mouth.

Bai Qingyin quickly took it down and said, "This is not food, why are you so greedy!"

After the words fell, she hurriedly asked the court servant: "Come here, prepare lunch, the two children are hungry."

The little fat man couldn't grasp the corner of Emperor Jia Ning's clothes, so he grabbed Bai Qingyin's dress and put it in his mouth.

Bai Qingyin suddenly burst into laughter, this little baby crying is really cute, it's really time.

Emperor Jia Ning was out of breath when he saw the little baby crying, and immediately raised his hand to carry the baby into his arms: "Okay, stop crying."

The little doll looked at Bai Qingyin's laughing flowers and trembled, stopped crying, looked at Bai Qingyin without blinking, and drooled silently.

Emperor Jia Ning received the veil handed by Eunuch Yi, wiped his saliva gently, and scolded rather "disgustingly": "You can be fascinated by beauty even at a young age."

Seeing Yin Yinxiao, he even forgot about the pain in his buttocks.

The other thin child babbled and stretched out his hand to Bai Qingyin, as if to say: I want to hug him.

Bai Qingyin took the little baby from the nurse's hand: "Why, you want me to hug too."

The little doll couldn't speak, giggled and smirked. The little hand grabbed her sleeve, and the saliva flowed down the corner of her mouth.

Bai Qingyin looked at the little doll's mouth and was surprised to find that his face had two teeth: "Uncle, he has teeth."

"Hurry up and see if that little doll has teeth?" Bai Qingyin couldn't hold the little doll, so she sat on the stool that Eunuch Yi thoughtfully moved, and placed the little doll on her lap.

Emperor Jia Ning took a closer look: "Two upper teeth have grown."

"The two little dolls have a tacit understanding." Bai Qingyin pinched the little doll's ear and whispered.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at the two little dolls so reliant on Bai Qingyin, and there was a hint of relief in the bottom of his eyes, and then he said, "Yinyin, they like you so much, you will give them a name."

"I just figured it out, one is called Li Enze and the other is called Li Muze." Bai Qingyin looked at the two little dolls and smiled deeply.

She named the two children to remind them at all times that they were able to survive because of His Majesty's kindness in keeping them and allowing them to enjoy royal honors.

This name will also remind them that everything they have is given by His Majesty. If they have bad thoughts in their hearts, everything they have will cease to exist.

Let them know that remembering the past and working hard, they can have a different life.

"Enze, Muze." Emperor Jia Ning repeated these two names, a smile flickered in his eyes, and praised: "This name is well chosen."

"Your Majesty, you forgot that the county master is the junior sister of the masters of the Imperial College, and her knowledge will not be poor." Eunuch Yi reminded in a low voice while standing aside.

Emperor Jia Ning laughed: "That's Yinyin's talent and intelligence."

Yinyin is the child he values ​​the most, and he has never been disappointed, and has always been his pride.

Bai Qingyin looked back at Emperor Jia Ning and said with a smile, "That's because my uncle raised me well."

Emperor Jia Ning hooked his lips: "You, you have a clever mouth."

"Tell the truth." Bai Qingyin replied softly, not wanting Emperor Jia Ning to think about unhappy things.

She looked back at Emperor Jia Ning and said with a smile, "Uncle, it's sunny and mild today. After lunch, let's take the children to play in the Imperial Garden!"

"Okay." Emperor Jia Ning got up and walked out the door.

Bai Qingyin smiled softly and called the palace servant to hold the child
King Xiliang and Cheng Zhihuan went to the military camp together. At this point, if they wanted to resolve the catastrophe without bloodshed, they had to find out the generals who cooperated with Li Nanchen.

Otherwise, if Li Nanchen rebelled, blood would flow into rivers.

"My lord, has the secret passage in the capital really not been found yet?" Cheng Zhihuan asked in a low voice while riding on his horse.

Bai Heyan glanced back at Cheng Zhihuan and reminded: "Some things are meaningless when they are said."

Cheng Zhihuan understood, and then asked in a low voice, "My lord, can you tell the last general what the prince and the county master want to do?"

Listening to their tone, their attitude should be that they have already found clues about the secret passage, but they have not announced it to the public for a long time, which means that they have a detailed plan.

He wants to know what the plan is?
He also wanted to help.

"Jing Mo has always been scheming, you don't need to worry about anything, Jing Mo will not let me down, let alone your majesty." Bai Heyan looked ahead and said softly, "If you really want to help."

"Practice your body and bones and be ready at any time."

Saying that, Bai Heyan looked at Cheng Zhihuan and warned: "By the way, your daughter-in-law is pregnant, so you should discuss a safe place with your in-laws and send your daughter-in-law to raise a baby, so as not to provoke her unnecessarily. in trouble."

"Yes." Cheng Zhihuan replied immediately: "When I go back, I will discuss it with Master Taifu."

The prince reminded that, Shi Yu is pregnant now, and she should be sent away for her safety.

Mrs. Cheng's family origins come from Lingnan and are prosperous. As the head of the family, Mr. Cheng lives in the capital, but he is the center of the Cheng family. If you send it to any place in the Cheng family, you can avoid this storm.

"Don't worry, I will let Jingmo arrange a few capable guards to escort Shi Yu away." Bai Heyan was very satisfied when he saw Cheng Zhihuan, and told Sheng Jingmo and his plan.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your concern." Cheng Zhihuan was full of gratitude.

How lucky to be able to follow such a caring prince in this life.

Bai He Yan tightened the reins and replied calmly: "You and I were born and died together. It has already been a life-threatening friendship, why do you need to thank me?"

"You go back now and have a good discussion with Master Taifu."

Before things start, arrange things properly. Only in this way can you quietly solve your own affairs without causing suspicion from others.

Cheng Zhihuan did not refuse, and chose to obey the order: "Okay, I will go to find Master Taifu now."

"Go! Leave the security of the capital to me." Bai Heyan watched Cheng Zhihuan leave.

Xi Liang, he can't go back for the time being, he wants to stay in the capital to fight side by side with the children.

Yinyin and Jingmo helped him defend Xiliang City, and he also wanted to help Yinyin defend the imperial capital.

The imperial decree of canonizing Yinyin as the crown princess is already in his hands, and he has to open a path to heaven and earth for his daughter.


Sheng Jingmo's men and horses collided with the soldiers and horses led by Bai Heyan.

"Jing Mo, didn't you catch up?" Bai Heyan asked in surprise.

He searched from outside the city, and Jingmo searched from the city, how could he find nothing?

"Yes!" Sheng Jingmo was helpless.

"He has a skilled disguiser under him. It's very difficult to catch him."

"Go back!" Bai Heyan said.

"Since you can't catch him, just wait for him to come to your door."

If it is unavoidable, then we will meet.

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