The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 302 Father-in-law is the biggest enemy!

Sheng Jingmo looked at Bai Heyan and replied in a deep voice, "Father, Yinyin will be happy if you can stay in the capital."

Bai Heyan smiled: "If one day, you have had enough of such a life, you might as well go to your father and ask him to take you out of here to see the real paradise at his teacher's door."

These two children have gone through a lot. If they can finally go to a paradise in their lives, their lives will be more complete.

"Foster father, do you really believe that there is a paradise in this world?" Sheng Jingmo has always been skeptical of the paradise in the mouth of his adoptive father.

Bai Heyan looked at the child he raised and said softly, "You? Why don't you want to believe your father? As a father, he won't deceive his son."

When the words fell, Bai Heyan tightened the reins and turned the horse's head: "Go, go home, is Yinyin still waiting for us?"

Shengjing Mole tightened the reins and followed behind Bai Heyan.

Bai Qingyin played with the two children for an hour when she returned to Nianhua Xiaoyuan, she was too tired to walk, and when she returned to the house, she wanted to rest, but she did not expect to see Mrs. Yan.

"Auntie, why are you back?" Bai Qingyin stepped forward and held Madam Yan's hand, her eyes full of joy.

Since Cheng Shiyu became pregnant, Mrs. Yan has been taking care of Cheng Shiyu by her side.Now that we meet again, I will be happy.

"By the way, Auntie, where's Shi Yu?" Bai Qingyin looked at Madam Yan and asked, "She is pregnant without someone to take care of her."

"She went to a very safe place." Mrs. Yan explained softly, and then whispered: "The girl is about to get married, so of course I will come back to prepare the wedding for you."

"I promised the eldest princess that I would always be by your side." Mrs. Yan took Bai Qingyin's hand and held it in her own: "This time is the same."

She knew that this time was very dangerous, so she thought she would stay by her side without hesitation.

When the words fell, she took Bai Qingyin to the side of the case: "These are the dowry I prepared for you, as well as your wedding dress. You can choose and see which one you like."

"You're getting married soon, try on your wedding dress!"

Bai Qingyin looked at her aunt who was urging her to try on the wedding dress, and whispered, "Auntie, brother Jingmo and daddy will be back soon. If you see me put on the wedding dress, I don't know how they will misunderstand me and hate to marry."

"The girl is so afraid of the lord's chill!" Mrs. Yan replied softly.

Bai Qingyin looked at the red wedding dress and said softly, "Auntie should understand."

Dad is her only daughter, and he has been fond of her since she was a child. If he gets married, he will definitely be reluctant to give up.She didn't want to let her father down.

Mrs. Yan smiled and said, "Don't worry, girl, you are marrying the prince, and the prince is too happy to be happy."

After the words fell, Madam Yan looked at Bai Qingyin and whispered, "Maybe you don't know, the prince has never restrained the general's behavior over the years, and allowed him to ruin his reputation in order to leave the young master Jingmo to you. "

"At the beginning, the eldest princess accepted Young Master Jingmo as her adopted son not only so that Young Master could protect you from growing up, but she also looked forward to the friendship between the two of you becoming a mutual tolerant love." Madam Yan told everything truthfully.

"But, didn't you always protect Brother Jingmo, Auntie?" Bai Qingyin was stunned.

How could things be different from what he thought!

Mrs. Yan sighed: "I'm not preventing the young master from contacting you, but because you are too young, I'm afraid it will affect your reputation."

"Girl, you are still young, and several princes have been staring at you again. I am not guarding against the princes, but those princes."

Who would have guessed that the stinky boy in her family would help Jingmo hide from her mother.

"The entire Shence Army knew that Jingmo was interested in the county master, but they all chose to hide it. I concealed what Jingmo was thinking, but for a while, he even hid it from me, so I began to strictly guard against him. Close to you."

But who would have thought that the son and the county master went to Silla, Luzon, and Xiliang City later, and she had no chance to stop them.

"Auntie." Sheng Jingmo pushed open the hidden door and complained, "If you tell me honestly, how can I deceive at all."

Mrs. Yan looked at Sheng Jingmo, who was full of grievances, and said, "If I tell you the arrangement of the prince and the eldest princess, your tail will be lifted into the sky."

"Don't think I don't know about you climbing the wall every night."

"Everything that has been cooked must have traces. You clean the food residues very cleanly, but the smell cannot be removed." Mrs. Yan looked at Sheng Jingmo and reminded: "The county owner's dress has the smell of cakes left on it. . That scent doesn't belong to Nianhua Xiaoyuan."

She is not a fool, nothing can hide her.

Sheng Jingmo rubbed his nose embarrassingly, and Bai He walked behind Sheng Jingmo, grabbing his collar and saying, "Sheng Jingmo, you climb walls. You started climbing walls when Yinyin was 13 years old! "

Sheng Jingmo felt a little panic in his heart, and immediately explained: "Foster father, don't misunderstand, Yinyin was tall at that time, and was often hungry at night. I climbed the wall every night just to give Yinyin some food."

"Foster father, you believe me. I really never made a move, I really just gave Yinyin some food."

The wedding is imminent, and this matter must not let the adoptive father misunderstand him at all.

He was about to marry Yinyin, and he must not let his adoptive father misunderstand that he canceled the wedding.

Bai Qingyin was also afraid of being misunderstood, and immediately said, "Father, brother Jingmo is really just here to bring me pastries."

"Those cakes are made by Aunt Yun, you can just ask him." Bai Qingyin stepped forward to rescue Sheng Jingmo.

Seeing her daughter's repeated assurances, Bai Heyan released her hand and said, "On the face of Yinyin's plea for you, let you go first."

Bai Qingyin glanced at her father and said, "If you don't believe in Brother Jingmo, you have to believe me too!"

Sheng Jingmo raised his hand to straighten the front of his clothes and defended himself: "Yinyin, why did I change my taste when it came to your mouth!"

He glanced at his adoptive father, Bai Qingyin, and Mrs. Yan standing beside him complaining, silently complaining about their distrust.

Bai Heyan has never seen Sheng Jingmo's aggrieved appearance before, and said with a smile, "Jingmo, you are the Duke of a country after all, and there are hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers who show such an expression and damage your majesty!"

Sheng Jingmo looked at the foster father: "Why can't the foster father have some trust in me?"

You can't believe what others say!

Bai Heyan ignored Sheng Jingmo's accusation, but looked at his daughter and said, "Remember, always be extremely vigilant to those around you at all times."

"Especially men." Bai Heyan looked at Sheng Jingmo with a pointed reminder
Sheng Jingmo is helpless: Sure enough, when you have no rivals in your life, your father-in-law is your biggest enemy.

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