The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 303 There must be a bloody battle on the wedding day

"Mrs. Yan, please change your wedding dress to Yinyin. I want to see how my family's Yinyin looks in her wedding dress." Bai Heyan was no longer joking, and urged her daughter to change into her wedding dress.

"Okay." Madam Yan replied immediately.

She held the wedding dress in her hands and whispered, "These are prepared for you by the eldest princess, go and try it!"

Princess, have you seen it?
The princess is getting married, rest in peace!

Bai Qingyin learned that the wedding dress was prepared by her mother, and she was eager to try it. She wanted her father to see the appearance of her wedding dress, because she knew that her father would be very happy to see it.

Sheng Jingmo stood beside Bai Heyan, probing slightly, he wanted to see Yinyin in her wedding dress.

After a while, Mrs. Yan came out, glanced at Sheng Jingmo lightly, then turned her head to Bai Heyan and said, "My lord, the girl will let you in."

Sheng Jingmo hurriedly called: "What about me?"

Why didn't Yinyin let him in.

Mrs. Yan smiled and said, "Of course the girl doesn't want you to see it, otherwise the wedding night will become extraordinarily boring."

After the words fell, Mrs. Yan took Bai Heyan into the inner room, only Sheng Jingmo was shocked and at a loss.

Damn God, why can't time go faster, let him experience such a long wait.

Cheng Shiyu was quietly sent out of the imperial city by Cheng Fan, and he handed his private seal to Cheng Shiyu: "Shiyu, you must pay attention to your own safety when you go here."

"This is my private seal. You have to keep it. The Cheng family also has some troops. Of course, it can't compare to the Xiliang army of the county master, nor the general's Shence army. It is more than enough to deal with the crisis."

He held Cheng Shiyu's hand and whispered, "Shiyu, I can't be by your side, you must take care of yourself."

Cheng Shiyu was pregnant, her body was a little fat, and her temper became a little irritable. Hearing Cheng Fan's ramble, there was a trace of impatience on her face: "I see, you have repeated it many times, are you not bothered?"

"You're not annoying, I'm annoying." She looked at Cheng Fan and whispered: "Don't think that I don't know that something big will happen in the capital. You take good care of yourself, my child and I will wait for you to come back to pick us up. ."

"Shiyu, being able to meet you is the greatest blessing in my life." Cheng Fan held Cheng Shiyu's hand against his cheek and confessed softly.

Seeing that Cheng Fan was no longer chatting, Cheng Shiyu stroked Cheng Fan's cheek and whispered, "Husband, you can rest assured that I will take care of yourself, and you must also protect yourself."

"The county owner, the country and the people are very important, you must protect her." She held Cheng Fan's face, looked directly into his eyes, and urged, "Promise me."

Cheng Fan stroked Cheng Shiyu's stomach and said softly, "I will take care of myself, and you must take care of yourself and your children."

"Yeah!" Cheng Shiyu nodded in agreement.

"Hmm!" Cheng Zhihuan, who was not far away, coughed softly, reminding the two of them not to grumble anymore, it was getting late.

Cheng Shiyu immediately withdrew his hand, and Cheng Fan muttered dissatisfiedly, "I will never go out with my old man next time."

Cheng Shiyu grabbed Cheng Fan's ear and said softly, "Be careful when you speak? Be careful when your father hears the family law."

"Yes yes yes" Cheng Fan was in pain, and immediately promised his wife: "I will never talk nonsense again in the future."

Cheng Shiyu was satisfied, and released the hand that twisted Cheng Fan's ear, Cheng Fan immediately stroked her and sat back in the carriage, and the maid next to her immediately brought a soft cushion behind Cheng Shiyu.

Cheng Fan saw that Cheng Shiyu was already seated, he turned to look at the groom, and warned, "Travel slowly, be steady, and take the official road."

"Yes, General." The soldier answered immediately.

"Go back! Take good care of yourself." Cheng Shiyu then lowered the curtain reluctantly.

Seeing this, Cheng Fan slowly stepped back to make way for the convoy.

Cheng Zhihuan took his son to escort the convoy away, then looked at his son and whispered, "Don't worry, there are three soldiers and horses along the road to protect her, and she will arrive safely."

"Shi Yu is pregnant with a child, I'm afraid she won't be able to bear the bumps on the road." Cheng Fan looked at the distant team worriedly.

Cheng Zhihuan opened his mouth and said, "This is still to repay my kindness. I haven't tossed Shiyu once since Shiyu was pregnant, and I won't this time."

He patted his son on the shoulder: "Don't worry, you'll be fine with three doctors."

Cheng Fan nodded and whispered, "We will go all out next."

"Go back!" Cheng Zhihuan tightened the reins and walked in the direction he had come from.

Even if Cheng Fan had 1 reluctance to give up, he could only leave with his father.

Nianhua Xiaoyuan
Bai Qingyin was checking the account books of various places, and Sheng Jingmo walked in with the food box: "Yinyin, it's time for dinner."

He knew she was busy, but he was so busy that he forgot to eat.

"I want to find out the income of the garrisoned troops in the shortest possible time." The slender fingers counted the abacus in his hand.

During these days, the family finances of the garrisoned troops have been thoroughly checked. As long as the real military salaries of the garrisoned troops in various places are calculated, it can be found out where the garrisoned troops have colluded with Li Nanchen.

"Then you have to eat too!" Sheng Jingmo took out the food from the food box one by one and reminded softly.

"Okay." Bai Qingyin put down the account book and came to Sheng Jingmo: "Did Shi Yu send you away?"

"It's been sent away." Sheng Jingmo picked up the silver spoon and filled a bowl of soup for Bai Qingyin and placed it in front of Bai Qingyin.

Bai Qingyin took the soup bowl and took a few sips, and then whispered: "I've done the accounting in the past few days. Now I am most suspicious of Donglin County. You can send someone to watch it first."

"Don't hide this from my uncle. After I have completed all the accounting books, you will go to the palace and let my uncle know about the army that may have problems."

"Okay." Sheng Jingmo responded, looking at the little girl's bulging cheeks, and whispered, "Eat slowly, don't be in a hurry."

"Yeah!" Bai Qingyin responded, but the speed of his men never stopped.

Sheng Jingmo looked at Bai Qingyin helplessly and reminded softly: "I know that you are hungry, but if you don't eat, your body can't be hungry, it's not that you don't know."

"Got it, grandma is just as annoying." Bai Qingyin put down the tableware and whispered.

"Okay, I won't bother you in the future." Sheng Jingmo got up to clean up the dishes, and then sighed: "The food is like a cat."

When he was older, he would eat four or five meals a day, but now he eats just a little bit a day. He hopes that the little girl can eat and drink as before, and grow more round.

After finishing packing, Sheng Jingmo sat down and stared at Bai Qingyin, slowly raised his hand to touch the little girl's face, and said softly, "The wedding will be in a few days, are you ready?"

"Of course." Bai Qingyin replied in a loud voice.

Li Nanchen will never miss this opportunity, there will be a bloody battle on the wedding day.

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