Chapter 1002
He Chen gestured to the camera, and He Yitong zoomed in on the camera, focusing on He Chen's eyes.

When his eyes became sour and he couldn't hold it any longer, He Chen made a face at the camera, took the phone back, and stopped recording.

"Let me see, sister Tong, am I fat in the camera?"

"Huh? Miss Tong?"

He Chen, who was checking his own video, found that He Yitong ignored him, got up and walked towards the lounge.

He Yitong's air pressure was low, and she was still holding the sword she used for filming.

She didn't know what was distracting her, she walked into the lounge all the way, and after closing the door, she suddenly seemed like a different person.

"Die, die, die!" He Yitong raised his sword and slashed at the air, "Dare to scold me, bastard, die to me! Die all!!!"

Brushing Sword Shadow spinning in mid-air.

If this is seen by the director, can't it be filmed and put in the feature film?

This is probably He Yitong's fastest and fiercest dance, especially the intimidating aura is very strong, the kind of awe that makes people feel scared even from a distance.

After stabbing indiscriminately with the sword, He Yitong threw the sword back on the table with a "bang", and grabbed the sofa violently.

If her sharp claws were still there, she would have torn the sofa with stuffing everywhere.

"Damn it, you dare to scold me!" He Yitong seemed to have completely lost his composure, and muttered to himself repeatedly.

Suddenly thought of something, she picked up her mobile phone to log in, and she saw the situation on Weibo.

He Chen edited the video she just shot and posted it on Weibo, and he instantly became one of the trending searches.

"I don't think He Chen wants to clarify, he just wants to gain popularity, right? He was confused at first, hahaha."

"It's still hot at this time, I hope Yu Jinxiao and Qiu Ruitian don't let him go."

"I'll spend my whole life rubbing against the heat."

He Chen actually thought that no matter what he posted, he would be scolded, but he just felt that if he didn't do something, he would feel very uneasy and restless.

When he thinks of that smiling little face and the feeling when he touches her head, he will suddenly feel very uncomfortable.

Whoever bullies Yuanyuan is against him, he just wants to...

The company is calling.

He Chen picked up his phone, and Weibo suddenly popped up a reminder "Your account has been logged in elsewhere".

"Hello?" It was his manager, Sister Cen, who called.

"Are you crazy? What are you sending?" Sister Cen cursed on the other end of the phone, breathing heavily with anger, "It's obvious that someone is messing around, why did you get involved? "

"They... scolded Yuanyuan, I'm very angry... just..."

"Why are you so angry? What is your relationship with that Yu Yuanyuan? She is neither your sister nor your daughter!"

"...Sister Cen, calm down, don't be so angry..."

"Calm down? Why didn't you calm down just now? What kind of mess are you posting!!"

He Chen took his mobile phone and hid in the other side of the lounge, lowering his voice flatteringly, trying to appease him, but Sister Cen's scolding made He Chen feel even more uncomfortable and depressed.

"Remember, you're just participating in a show. It's a set up to sell people. It doesn't really make you have a good relationship with that Yu Yuanyuan, understand? You have nothing to do with her!"

The corridor outside the lounge was very quiet, and the yelling on the phone almost became public, making He Chen's ears hurt.

"Sister Cen, Yuanyuan... treat me as a friend." His voice was hesitant and uncertain.

"Bullshit friend, don't tell me these things, Weibo has recently been taken over by the company, so you should film well!"

"Sister Cen! Yuanyuan is my friend!"

With a bang, He Chen hung up Sister Cen's phone in a huff.

(End of this chapter)

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