The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1003 He Is Not That Hateful Anymore

Chapter 1003 He Is Not That Hateful Anymore

He Chen leaned against the wall and gasped for breath, pinched his phone and switched it to Do Not Disturb mode.

He no longer wants to hear these people say bad things, even if the whole world thinks he is crazy, but he knows what he is doing.

After venting his anger in the lounge, He Yitong originally wanted to go to the bathroom.

But before he had time to open the door, he heard someone calling outside, it seemed to be He Chen and his manager.

She didn't eavesdrop on it on purpose, but He Chen's phone was very loud, and his voice was just as loud...

He Yitong heard their conversation clearly.

I didn't expect He Chen to be so loyal! !So kind to her cubs!

In fact, when filming in the same group at the beginning, He Yitong felt that this person's acting skills were mediocre, and he usually had a lot of messy little requests. He didn't look like a good actor who could endure hardships. He had a very bad impression of He Chen, and he almost never would in private. what contact.

After learning that he was filming a show with Zai Zai, she gradually learned more about this young man.

Especially that phone call just now——

He Yitong really wanted to rush out and pat him on the shoulder, to praise him severely, but she calmed down knowingly.

Zai Zai's matter is not easy, she is not a vegetarian in the entertainment industry, hum, someone can buy a navy, she will not buy it, right?
Thinking of this, He Yitong showed a subtle smirk.


Yu family.

In the two different rooms, there are very different emotions.

The four children spent all their afternoons paying attention to the Internet. After seeing a netizen stepping on Yuanyuan with the topic of "Qiu Yang is very obedient, kind and obedient", everyone couldn't sit still.

They all heard about Qiu Yang.

Judging by the ability of these people to tell lies with their eyes open, the cliff is the navy that Qiu Ruitian bought.

"Ahh... my fingers are cramping." Yu Yingze typed all afternoon, scolding the trolls on the Internet, his fingers really couldn't work.

He screamed and fell back, his movements exaggerated.

Hearing the second brother howling, Xiao Zaizai immediately ran forward and squatted beside him worriedly: "Second brother, second brother, what's the matter with you? What's wrong?"

The little guy looked worried, his paws clasped Yu Yingze's wrist, his eyes were red.

No matter how angry he was, no matter how hard he typed, with the care of this little milk voice, Yu Yingze felt that he was revived instantly and sat on the ground again.

"It's nothing, it's just that my fingers are a little uncomfortable." Yu Yingze puffed up his chest, looked at the small body curled up beside him, and for the first time felt the urge to seriously protect Xiaodouding.

He is her brother, even on the Internet, he will never let anyone bully her!

"Yuanyuan help second elder brother pinch his claws?" Yu Zaizai stretched out his hand and gently held Yu Yingze's palm.

That fleshy little round hand was like a cute animal scanner, gently pinching Yu Yingze's sore fingers.

The strength is just right for children, neither painful nor light, and the relaxing effect is quite good.

"Qiu Yang is a little villain, and some people praise him for being cute." Yu Yingze massaged Yu Yuanyuan with one hand, while the other hand continued to look at the phone, "I don't believe it's not Qiu Ruitian who told me !"

"Qiu Yang is a villain!" Hearing the familiar topic, Yu Zaizai emphasized in a milky voice, "But he promised Yuanyuan would be a good kid! Last time I saw him, he didn't hate him so much anymore .”

(End of this chapter)

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