The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1008 Found Who Sent That Surveillance Video

Chapter 1008 Found Who Sent That Surveillance Video

Combined with what he found out before, Yu Jinxiao frowned even more tightly.

It turned out there was a purpose.

"How can you be so righteous when you ask someone to do something?" Yu Jinxiao only felt that the voice on the phone had an uncomfortable contrast.

It sounds like every word is smiling, but it overflows with uncomfortable feelings.

It's like under a beautiful flower bush, a poisonous snake is quietly approaching through the shadows.

"I believe that Mr. Yu is a kind-hearted person, and he will definitely help me with this." Shen Zhuoya smiled again and emphasized the ending, "Thank you."

Yu Jinxiao ignored his thanks and hung up the phone directly.

the day after tomorrow……

That happened to be next Monday.

Shen Ji said that he hoped to go home next Monday, which turned out to be his 11th birthday.

But how should I tell Shen Ji this?

Let him dine with a guy who equates to a stranger?This is simply inexplicable.

Yu Jinxiao leaned back on the chair, lightly touching his lips with the back of his hand, lost in thought.

Is that what he meant?

It should be.

"Mr. Yu?" Gao Zhou's voice pulled Yu Jinxiao out of the abyss of conflict, "What happened?"

"Why are you still here?" Yu Jinxiao was so engrossed in his thoughts just now that he forgot that Gao Zhou hadn't left.

Gao Zhou, who was hurt in his heart, sighed depressedly: "I've been here all along."

"If there is no new situation, you go back first."


Once Gao Zhou left, the study became even quieter.

The content of the conversation just now replaced Yu Jinxiao's original worry, and became another big problem that he needed to worry about.

The other party is obviously a smart person.

He knew that Yu Jinxiao must have investigated and understood the matter between him and Shen Ji, and he directly stated his purpose without deliberately explaining and explaining.

Shen Juya, who appeared suddenly, seemed to have spent a lot of effort in secret, as if he knew that Yu Jinxiao didn't hate Shen Ji, and he was sure that he would help him complete this matter from the perspective of Shen Ji's good.

After less than 10 minutes of silence, the phone rang again.

Yu Jinxiao now has a headache whenever he hears the phone ring.

If he could, he really wanted to refuse them all.

But this time it was his second brother Yu Cangnan who called again.

It seems that it is also because of the little glutinous rice balls that I called to find out the situation.

"Second brother." As soon as Yu Jinxiao got connected, his ears were pierced by the bluffing voice on the phone.


"Kang kuang kuang hey kuang kuang huh Jin Xiao—"

Yu Jinxiao took the phone away from his ear: "Second Brother, where are you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was filming on the plateau recently, and the wind was a bit strong," the voice on the phone finally became clear and normal, "I just heard that Yuanyuan is in some trouble, and I've talked to Xie Xin on the phone, what's going on? What's the matter?"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." He really didn't want to repeat the matter again like a kid complaining.

"Jin Xiao?"

"I'm here."

"Could it be that there was some conflict with Qiu Ruitian when we were recording the program before, and he was playing tricks behind his back? That guy has a really bad temper!" Yu Cangnan yelled cursingly, "He blocked a young actor from him before, and the whole industry They are not allowed to play games for him, not even playing tricks."

"Later, the little actor couldn't think about it and took short-sightedness. Fortunately, he was found out in time and his life was not in danger."

"You mean, he often does this kind of thing?" Yu Jinxiao grasped the key point of Yu Cangnan's words.

Qiu Ruitian already had a high status in the circle, no one wanted to offend him because of a young actor, so they would naturally follow his request.

"Recently, I let this actor into my group. He is a very good acting and very smart guy. Once there is a scene to shoot, his eyes will shine."

Before Yu Cangnan finished speaking, Gao Zhou's call came in.

"I have a call."

"I have a call too."

Yu Cangnan and Yu Jinxiao spoke in unison.

The two cut to a new incoming call.

Yu Jinxiao: "Hello."

Gao Zhou said excitedly on the phone: "Mr. Yu, I found out who sent that surveillance video!"

(End of this chapter)

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