The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1009 The principle that cannot be let go

Chapter 1009 The principle that cannot be let go
"It's He Chen!"

Yu Jinxiao, who had already known it well, was also a little moved when he heard this answer.

He Chen has not known Yu Yuanyuan for a long time, and doing so means that he will face a very terrible storm, and it may even be worth his entire career.

Even in the face of such serious consequences, he still decided to release the video?

Yu Jinxiao was never used to guessing people with his best thoughts, especially He Chen's operation.

Could it be that after weighing it up, he felt that it was more advantageous to be on his side?
Everyone will choose a more reliable force to rely on, and now is the best opportunity.

"I see." Yu Jinxiao went through all his thoughts within a period of time.

Hanging up Gaozhou's call, he switched back to Yu Cangnan's side, and the other end just happened to switch back.

"I know who sent the video to help Yuanyuan!" Yu Cangnan's tone was very excited, "It's He Chen! I really didn't expect it."

"Why didn't you think of it?"

"He and Yuanyuan haven't known each other for long, and they are willing to come forward to help!"

Yu Jinxiao didn't answer the call, his silence seemed to give the answer to the other end of the phone, Yu Cangnan guessed what he was thinking at once.

"Do you think he did this to curry favor with you, and to get some benefits from you?" Yu Cangnan seemed to see into Yu Jinxiao's heart that he was trying to hide, and even that fleeting thought was accurately grasped by the second brother .

Yu Jinxiao: "..." It feels uncomfortable to be seen through.

"Actually, I've met this young man He Chen, and he doesn't seem like the kind of scheming person."

"What kind of innocent person can be in the showbiz?" Yu Jinxiao didn't have to refute, but he never believed that people can abandon all their own interests to do a risky thing.

"Then you don't want to see what he is like." Yu Cangnan laughed when he heard it, "Actually, he had many opportunities to be a leader in the past, but he just... insisted on some things that others could do, but he couldn't let go of himself. In principle, many opportunities have been lost.”

"Why don't you say that his acting skills are bad and his singing is mediocre?"

"Hahahaha, yes, yes," Yu Cangnan knew his brother's temper, and smiled, "But if you look carefully, there are many actors who are worse in acting than him and uglier than him, but the resources they get It's not comparable to He Chen."

Yu Jinxiao suddenly couldn't refute, because it was the truth.

There are quite a few people who become popular with just one face, and He Chen's looks can definitely get such preferential treatment.

He just didn't have the opportunities and resources of others, Yu Jinxiao originally thought it was because of his own lack of strength.

But if you think about it carefully, in such a big vat, can you really have the last laugh just by strength?

Although he doesn't mix in the entertainment industry, he usually hears the gossip from his second brother mentioned in the entertainment industry.

In this complicated and confusing world, strength is only one link, and there are many other things that affect an artist's chances.

"And I just heard that Qiu Ruitian is also investigating who posted the video, and it should have been found on He Chen's head," Yu Cangnan sighed, "I just checked WeChat, and the movie that He Chen is shooting All scenes may be deleted."

"Delete all the scenes? Isn't that film almost finished?" Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but think of He Yitong.

I made an appointment with the whole family to go to the movies before, but now that this is happening, won't it affect her?

"As long as the capital is gone, what's the point of deleting the scenes? Qiu Ruitian has money and face. It's too easy to trip He Chen."

(End of this chapter)

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