The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1010 Why Are You Still Laughing?

Chapter 1010 Why Are You Still Laughing?
Yu Jinxiao has always been the one who dominates everything, he has never had the hopeless feeling of being controlled and powerless.

To say that the only time of despair was probably the time when Xiaobao was kidnapped.

Besides, everything under his control has never escaped his palm.

He Chen is just a young actor, it is not impossible to delete all his roles with a single sentence and a sum of money.

"Stop talking, I have to continue," Yu Cangnan's voice became louder again, and he even sneezed, "I'll find a time to get together when I come back."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Jinxiao suddenly thought of Yu Yuanyuan.

She seems to have a good relationship with He Chen. If he knew that He Chen was framed, or to help her, this little Douding would be very sad, right?

By coincidence, Yu Jinxiao went downstairs again.

The children were still gathered in Shen Ji's room, sitting on the carpet, lying, sitting, and lying on their stomachs, all holding their phones and watching in unison.

An observing eye popped out of the gap in the half-hidden door.

The children were taken aback, but Yu Yuanyuan jumped over to open the door.

"Baba~~Why are you looking at Yin quietly! Do you want to sneak attack!" Xiao Zai Zai raised his claws, grabbed his trouser legs and smiled smirk.

A look of pride that he ruined Yu Jinxiao's sneak attack plan.

Yu Jinxiao lowered his eyes to look at the little glutinous rice balls, raised his hand and patted her on the head, deliberately messing with his fluffy hair: "I'm just passing by, who has nothing to sneak up on you? Do you think it's you?"

"Hey duck~ Baba~ Let's play peek-a-boo, shall we?" Yu Zaizai jumped to block Yu Jinxiao's way, "Yuanyuan is so boring, everyone is looking at their phones to study, Yuanyuan has nothing to do."

"Then go back upstairs and sleep, and I'll call you after dinner."

There are still a lot of things to be done online, Yu Jinxiao has no time to play with her.

Just solving the problem is exhausting.

"Okay~~" Bored Zai Zai groaned twice, and wandered to the yard to look for the big flower.

Dahua, who was sleeping, was woken up by pity.

The big cat's head retains what little patience it has: "You have nothing to do to wake me up?"

"Hey, everyone is so busy." Xiao Zai Zai sighed while holding his chin.

Dahua turned over comfortably on its cat bed: "Then go chat with someone who is not busy, I am so sleepy."

"Looking for someone to chat with..." Yu Yuanyuan seemed to have thought of something, turned on the phone watch, raised her claws and tapped on it, and closed her eyes, "Call whoever you tap~~"

The round finger poked down, just in time to hit He Chen's number, and it was automatically dialed.

After a while, the phone was connected.

"Wow, it's delicious, brother~~" Yu Yuanyuan's voice was full of vigor, like a little flower that just woke up in the morning, holding its head up to welcome the sun.

"Yuanyuan, why did you call me all of a sudden?" The voice on the phone was obviously smiling, but it sounded weak, as if very tired.

Even Xiao Zaizai could tell that something was wrong with him: "Brother Haoyi, are you tired? Are you filming again?"

"Yeah, on the set."

" don't work too hard, you have to work hard and have a good rest!"

He Chen was silent for a while, as if he was judging whether Yu Yuanyuan knew about the Internet.

But from her tone, she doesn't seem to know.

"I know, Yuanyuan wants to... Forget it, Yuanyuan has always been eating well." He Chen couldn't help laughing.

He didn't know why he was still laughing.

The company just called him and scolded him——

Qiu Ruitian has already made a small move, and his several months of filming may be wasted...all will be deleted.

(End of this chapter)

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