The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1011 Is it really sick?

Chapter 1011 Is it really sick?
In fact, when the video was released, He Chen did not expect such serious consequences.

It's nothing more than offending Qiu Ruitian. At worst, I won't make his movies in the future. It's really not possible... It's just that he will directly transform, don't touch acting, and leave with this last movie to make a fortune.

But who would have thought that this guy covered the sky with one hand, and even covered his current drama.

When the director called to ask about this matter, he had already made it clear that his role might be deleted, and what he said was a reprimand, blaming him for provoking Qiu Ruitian.

It wasn't until that moment that He Chen realized how big a mistake he had made.

A strong sense of unreality is gradually invading his limbs, and the non-existent cold air is kidnapping his consciousness.

When He Chen was sitting on the sofa disheartened, he just received a call from Yu Yuanyuan.

Seeing the name beating, he hesitated whether to connect or not.

But when she thought that she might show a disappointed expression, her little face drooped pitifully, and she was muttering...

He Chen still couldn't bear it.

"Brother Haoyi, if you have any unhappy things, you can tell Yuanyuan~~ Yuanyuan has a lot of time now!" The little guy smiled sweetly, even across the phone, that cute laugh could make He Chen Automatically imagine her sincere appearance now.

He Chenqiang cheered up, moved the corner of his mouth, forgetting that Yu Yuanyuan couldn't see at all: "There is nothing unhappy, where is Yuanyuan? Is there anything unhappy?"

"No~" The little guy replied quickly, "Yuanyuan is happy every day~"

Just be happy.

Isn't everything he bought at such a high price just to make her happy?

Although now thinking of the consequences, He Chen felt cool all over, and had the illusion that his physical body was gradually dying and rotting.

His acting career is coming to an end.

What about variety shows?
Will Xie Xin also call to tell him later that his part will also be cut off.

God knows how important an artist's exposure is, and how short the public's memory is.

If he loses the opportunity to appear in public, he, He Chen, will soon become an inconspicuous stone buried in the sand of memory.

An endless stream of newcomers will soon replace him and become a new sign of the times.

Just thinking about that, He Chen suddenly felt a strong sense of sadness, and slid down in despair.

"Delicious brother? Delicious brother?"

Xiao Zai Zai's cheerful voice awakened He Chen from his trance, he hesitated for a while, and said with a smile, "Yuanyuan, I'm a little tired, I want to take a rest."

"Brother Haoyi...are you sick?" Yu Yuanyuan's voice sounded nervous.

"It's okay, I just want to sleep," He Chen laughed, "It's like Yuanyuan suddenly feels sleepy, does she also suddenly want to sleep?"

"It seems to be da, that Yuanyuan doesn't bother brother Haoyi, brother Haoyi is in vain."

The little guy hung up the phone hastily, as if he was afraid of disturbing him.

Holding the phone, He Chen looked at the quiet room and fell into silence again.

It's ridiculous to say that the person who cares about him the most is actually a three-year-old little Douding.

Afraid of disturbing He Chen's rest, Yu Yuanyuan hung up the phone quickly, but her small face gradually wrinkled together due to doubt.

The delicious brother is not the same as usual, is it really sick?
Listening to Aunt Chen scolding Uncle Yang, it seems that adults always say that adults like to hold on when they are sick, and the delicious brother also...


Xiao Zai Zai turned on the phone and watch again, and dialed Ma Ma's number.

(End of this chapter)

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