The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1014 Your head has already entered the door

Chapter 1014 Your head has already entered the door

Yu Yuanyuan digested it in a daze for a long time, as if she had finally come to her senses, she thumped the quilt angrily: "Why! Brother Yuta worked so hard to take pictures for so long! Why did you delete it!"

"Because he offended the big bad guy."

"It's too much, it's too much!" Yu Zaizai was so angry that he couldn't get enough of it, he swung his claws and slapped the quilt vigorously.

But patting and patting, Yu Yuanyuan's movements gradually slowed down, and she rolled into a ball depressedly.

"Hey, Yuanyuan really wants to help Brother Haojia, but Yuanyuan is just a kid." The little guy hugged his legs depressedly, like a little mushroom that just grew up, "It would be great if I could defeat the bad guys."

"We're just kids, don't think too much about it." Although Yu Yingze had never met He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan, who was helped by his video, was also faintly grateful and regretful in his heart.

But what can children do?Not adults!

There are times when even adults can't do anything about this kind of thing.

Yu Yuanyuan's little brain tried hard to think of a way, and suddenly a flash of inspiration——

If children can't handle it, then find a big friend!

The little cub who was still on the bed slipped down and stood still on the ground with a "hey".

Seeing her pretending to go out, Yu Yingze felt bad: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Baba to help Brother Haojia!" Yu Yuanyuan said whatever came to his mind.

Yu Yingze twitched the corner of his mouth: "But you just hooked your finger with me and said you want to keep it a secret!"

"Ah duck," Xiao Zaizai covered his mouth and said in a muffled voice, "Why don't... Yuanyuan write famous letters!"

"It's an anonymous letter," Yu Yingze raised his forehead, "Forget it, you can go as soon as you want, it's pitiful for He Chen to look like this."

"Really? Second brother won't be angry, right?" With that said, Yu Yuanyuan's little feet still tried to move towards the door of the room.

"No, no, go, go, go." Yu Yingze waved his hand away.

Looking at the small body that ran out happily, he was suddenly a little confused.

Did I owe her something, why did I suddenly become such a family status?
The little guy who came out of the second brother's room went straight to the study.

Huh?Ba Ba is not in the study!

"Baba—" the little guy stood in the corridor and yelled loudly.

"In the room." Yu Jinxiao's voice came from afar.

Da Da Da's footsteps went all the way forward, and the small body leaned over to the door of Dad's room, curiously poking his head: "Baba, can Yuanyuan come in?"

Yu Jinxiao who was sitting on the bed reading a book raised his head and glanced at her: "Your head has already entered the door."

He said "No", wouldn't she just come in?

That is impossible!

"Hey hey," the little guy crawled onto the bed like a small tractor with a voice, "Puba~~~~~"

The long tail has a conspiratorial milky aroma.

"Huh?" Yu Jinxiao pretended to ignore her, and continued to focus on the book.

Seeing that Baba didn't look at him, Xiao Zaizai grabbed his cuff and continued to shake it: "Baba~~Yuanyuan wants to discuss a small matter with you~"

"Really? Do you need to discuss with me about trivial matters?"

"That's because Baba knocks the level so hard!" Anyway, Rainbow Fart started to pat first.

"I'm super good and have to deal with small things, don't you think I'm overqualified?" Yu Jinxiao's operation successfully disrupted the plan that Xiao Zai Zai had made before he came.

In particular, she couldn't even understand what Ba Ba was saying.

"Big...firewood...small use?" The little guy bit his finger and muttered to himself, "Does it mean that you shouldn't use too big wood for roasting small meat?"

Good guy, her understanding can't be said to be completely wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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