The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1015 It's Maya!

Chapter 1015 It's Maya!
"Tell me, what little conspiracy do you have?" Yu Jinxiao had no choice but to put down the book after being tortured by the little boy.

Yu Yuanyuan smiled "hehe" with a guilty conscience: "Yuanyuan wants... I want to ask Baba to help Brother Haoyu."

So, is it finally time to come?

"Oh? He Chen told you already?" Yu Jinxiao folded his hands and raised his eyebrows, as if everything was under his control.

The confused little Zaizai looked confused: "Huh?"

"what do you know?"

"Brother Haoyi's scenes in the movie were all deleted!" Yu Yuanyuan said sullenly.

This wasn't what He Chen himself said, who else could have said it?

He probably planned it long ago, using Yu Yuanyuan as an intermediary to get himself to help.

It's not like Yu Jinxiao has never encountered this kind of operation of fighting cattle across the mountain before.

"He Chen told you? He wanted you to help?" He really has the ability to take advantage of a child with a low face.

Yu Yuanyuan was once again confused: "No, it was the second brother who told Yuanyuan!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." The inner ghost is by my side!
"Didn't He Chen tell you?"

"No way."

All right, blame innocent people.

"Baba, can you help Brother Haoyu?" The little guy plunged his head into Yu Jinxiao's arms, and his fluffy head began to attack coquettishly, "Brother Haoyou looks so pitiful! If Yuanyuan worked hard If there is no finished homework, I will feel very sad."

Then his misery is much worse than what you said!

Yu Jinxiao kept his composure, raised his hand to hold the head of Meow Meow: "I will take care of your lord's affairs, so leave it alone."

"But, but, Baba, you will eat brother?" Without an accurate answer, how could Yu Yuanyuan feel at ease.

"I've said that you don't care about adults' affairs, I know how to deal with them."

Yu Jinxiao didn't want to reassure Xiao Zai Zai too early, he had a lot to consider and explore, and it was definitely not as simple as that little head thought.

Hearing that Baba didn't give a positive answer, Yu Zaizai became more anxious, and his little head poked into his arms: "Baba~~~~~You just tell Yuanyuan~~~"


The little voice of the milk whirring and acting like a baby, echoed in the room constantly.

Especially that small head, which has no strength, pierces Yu Jinxiao's heart, like a kitten buried in it, soft and fluffy, very cute.

I'm afraid that even a stone can be sprouted into a flower.

Yu Jinxiao is human, how can he resist it.

"I said I will deal with this matter. There are not only He Chen in the movie, but also...Mom, if such a large number of scenes are deleted for strange reasons, the movie will also be greatly affected," I am afraid The little guy couldn't understand, Yu Jinxiao continued to emphasize, "He Chen is not the only one affected."

"Then Baba is Yixi who will help Brother Haojia?"

Yu Jinxiao glanced at her, then calmly withdrew his gaze: "Yes."

"Wow~Thank you for being the best in the universe~~" I don't know where I got such an exaggerated exclamation.


But he likes it.

"Ding!" A message alert popped up on the phone.

Before Yu Jinxiao could pick up the phone in a hurry, Xiao Zai Zai pointed at the screen with his fat finger: "It's Ma Maye!"

That's right.

It was really He Yitong who posted Weibo, just a few seconds ago.

Being able to be pushed into the headlines suddenly, things might not be as simple as he thought.

There should be something different about this Weibo.

Avoiding Xiao Zai Zai's naughty little paws, Yu Jinxiao clicked on the message reminder.

(End of this chapter)

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