The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1016 Share daily life, pass happiness

Chapter 1016 Share daily life, pass happiness

He Yitong's Weibo post was only a short sentence, but it was full of yin and yang.

"It's actually possible to encounter such a thing when making a movie [smile]."

Her appearance pushed everyone's speculation to a new level.

For some unknown reason, news leaked out on the Internet before, saying that the person who posted the video was He Chen.

Let's contact the situation that He Chen was suddenly removed from the list of movie promotions and major marketing posters a few hours ago...

A seemingly vague but gradually clear story begins to complete.

He Chen was angry because those people on the Internet abused Yu Yuanyuan, and sent out a video to slap those who praised Qiu Yang and slandered Yu Yuanyuan.

He is also a member of the show, and it is normal to shoot this video.

After receiving the news, Qiu Ruitian was making trouble behind his back, trying to give He Chen a bad blow, but he didn't expect to be exposed so quickly.

Now, Qiu Ruitian, Qiu Yang and his son have both become big and small villains, and the online picture style has turned to one side, and many people have pointed their finger at the father and son.

Originally, there were still people who wanted to struggle and speak up for Qiu Ruitian, but now He Yitong's Weibo has such a strange appearance...

What everyone didn't believe before seemed to be confirmed by her emoji.

"He Yitong is so courageous, he dared to challenge Qiu Ruitian."

"Are you stupid? Who is her ex-husband? Besides, her connections in her circle are not simple. Do you think sister Tong is called for nothing?"

"Let's not talk about the divorced relationship, okay?"

"Upstairs, you don't know that, do you? Some people say that Yu Jinxiao and He Yitong have a delicate relationship now, and they might remarry one day."

There are endless discussions on the Internet, but most people scold Qiu Ruitian and Qiu Yang.

All of a sudden, He Chen, who had never been under the radar, was pushed to the hottest spot.

"I didn't expect this He Chen to be so loyal! I've become a fan."

"He probably wanted to get close to Yu Jinxiao's thick thigh."

"Yu Jinxiao is not in the entertainment circle, and having this thigh is of no use to his career."

"Are you stupid? With Yu Jinxiao's thigh, you don't have to worry about anything! It's not just the entertainment industry?"

Looking at the messy comments on the Internet, Yu Jinxiao's brows gradually wrinkled, and he felt like he had become a bag of compressed meat.

The thighs are not thighs, it sounds really weird.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanyuan didn't know how to read at all, so she turned her head to read, and took a look at the atmosphere.

"You still know your mother's name?" Yu Jinxiao locked the phone and deliberately threw the black square away.

Xiao Zaizai's curiosity was still not extinguished, and he stretched out his claws to test: "Yuanyuan remembers the... shape of Ma Ma's name! What did Ma Ma say just now?"

"I didn't say anything, I just posted a Weibo."

"Yuanyuan saw the words!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." This little potato is no longer the coaxing little glutinous rice ball.

"Sent something everyday, nothing special."

"What is daily life?"

"For example, what did you eat, what interesting things did you do, what did you like watching... Sharing these daily routines is very common on the Internet."

"Why do you want to share your daily life?"

"...deliver happiness."

"Sauce purple."

Yu Jinxiao finally waited until Xiao Zai Zai didn't ask any more questions, and patted her on the head: "Okay, it's time for you to go to sleep."

Little Qiuqiu wobbled and climbed out of bed, and walked towards the room too obediently.

Seeing that firm little back, Yu Jinxiao had a bad feeling.

The little glutinous rice balls must be thinking of some weird plans again, right?

(End of this chapter)

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