The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1019 I already owe them a lot

Chapter 1019 I already owe them a lot
As the person involved, He Chen knows better than anyone else!

The director of this movie is Qiu Ruitian's student, even if he is reluctant, but for Qiu Ruitian's sake, he must first agree.

It's just that the director is not reconciled to the sudden large-scale deletion of the plot, and wants to put it aside for a while, and then visit Qiu Ruitian to discuss it after he gets better.

But when he thought of Qiu Ruitian's actions, He Chen couldn't bear it!
Now it's online, and he's on a small account, so he can say whatever he wants.

There are so many comments in the comment area, after posting the message, pat your ass and leave.

Just as Qiu Ruitian finished posting on Weibo, He Yitong ended.

She sent two words "hehe", accompanied by a "smiling" emoticon package that made people think.

The network suddenly exploded again.

He Yitong was filming with He Chen, and everyone tacitly agreed that she knew something inside.

In addition, He Yitong's temper is never threatened by "evil forces", and he can say whatever he thinks, there are some special hints inside and outside of these words.

He Chen couldn't help sighing: "Sister Tong is mighty!"

One day, can he also become a powerful person like Sister Tong?

The "powerful person" in He Chen's heart is currently in the crew's lounge, cursing at the screen with his mobile phone, and staring at Qiu Ruitian's Weibo like a child.

It wasn't until the door was knocked that He Yitong quickly returned to normal: "Come in."

It was Yi Yuzhang who opened the door and entered. He did not enter the lounge immediately, but brought a gift through the door first.

It is a limited edition scarf that has not yet been released by a certain luxury brand.

As soon as He Yitong saw the handbag, he guessed a thing or two.

But she is not very interested in these things, why not bring her something to eat, she is hungry.

"Mr. Yi," He Yitong kept smiling, the man in front of him was her progress extractor, "Why are you here?"

"As soon as I got off the plane, I wanted to see you, so I came over immediately."

Yi Yuzhang did not specifically emphasize the gift, but just put the handbag on her desk: "I brought it to you, how is it? Are you tired from filming today?"

"Tired," He Yitong had already figured out the logic of Yi Yuzhang's words, and quickly added emphasis, "I'm so tired that I'm going to die."

"It's really hard work," Yi Yuzhang smiled, and sat down on the sofa next to him, "I'm so tired from filming, and I still have to take care of Yu Yuanyuan's affairs."

"Ah?" He Yitong's face was astonished.

During this time, Yi Yuzhang traveled abroad, and she managed to live a quiet life for a while.

Besides, the progress bar has improved a lot, and she is not in a hurry to continue gaining experience on Yi Yuzhang, and it is good to take a rest.

This man is not easy to deal with.

"I know that Yu Yuanyuan has had some conflicts with Qiu Ruitian recently, and was scolded by others on the Internet, so you deliberately found a public relations company to end it." Yi Yuzhang frowned curiously, with a subtle smile on the corner of his mouth, "You should be Is Yu Yuanyuan my daughter? I remember you haven't met a few times, right?"

Yi Yuzhang's words were all probing, how could He Yitong not understand?

Little did she know that she had already thought up a set of rhetoric, which could be used to deal with both Yu Jinxiao and Yi Yuzhang.

"Some things can't be changed now. Both Mingxi and Yingze regard her as a younger sister, and even go off to scold the navy for her personally." He Yitong calmly picked up the water glass, but deliberately did not move his eyes to look elsewhere, until Looking at Yi Yuzhang with a hook, "I just don't want them to participate in too many things like this, and I don't want them to be unhappy. I already owe them a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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