The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1020 Can't let this little glutinous rice ball know anymore

Chapter 1020 Can't let this little glutinous rice ball know anymore

In order to deepen the persuasiveness of his words, He Yitong must not use other small tricks to divert his gaze, this will make him look more guilty.

What's more, her reason is taken for granted, and it is reasonable for anyone to listen to it.

Those things between the Yu family and her are like an open secret, known to everyone.

These years, Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze have been following Yu Jinxiao, and He Yitong seldom meets them.

It is a very big debt to the child to lose his existence from the growth career of his own child.

Because of this irreparable guilt, He Yitong helped Yu Yuanyuan just to make the two sons happy, which is only natural and reasonable!

Her words turned Yi Yuzhang against the general.

Especially with the sadness and loneliness on He Yitong's face, it seemed that Yi Yuzhang's words mentioned something that made her unhappy, and he became a hateful sinner.

"Yitong," Yi Yuzhang changed his words without warning, and walked forward to sincerely apologize, "I'm sorry, I was just curious, and never thought of bringing up something unhappy."

"I understand." He Yitong looked away pretending to be indifferent, and his tone became much colder.

Yi Yuzhang's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately switched to the position in her line of sight: "Is there anything I can do to help? As long as I can..."

"Mr. Yi should also know a lot of media people, right?" He Yitong was not polite at all, "Maybe... this matter can be resolved as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Yi Yuzhang smiled on the surface, but deep down he felt like he had been put together.

Use his resources to help that little bean? ?
The revenge of the previous fall is not counted! ! !
But he has already promised He Yitong, if this matter is not handled well, it will only affect the impression in her heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Yi." He Yitong squeezed out a grateful smile.

Yu Yuanyuan, who is happy, eats, drinks, and enjoys her summer vacation, is completely unaware that someone is secretly scolding her in her heart.

"Ah Choo!" Xiao Zai Zai fiddled with the phone for a long time but failed to turn the phone's screen black.

In the end, I had no choice but to put the phone back in place and wobbled back to the room.

When the second brother comes back, she will honestly explain the whole process!

She really didn't enter the room on purpose to make trouble!
"Click, click, click." A series of footsteps came from the second floor. This sound... seemed to be Baba!

Xiao Zai Zai got up from the carpet like a carp, poked his head out to look.

Sure enough, he saw the back of Yu Jinxiao returning to the room.

"Puba, pull out~~" Xiao Zaizai ran all the way to Yu Jinxiao's door like a toy, "Why are you so swollen that you gained weight so early!"

Yu Jinxiao was taking off his suit jacket and was picking out other styles in the closet.

"I can't go home yet?"

"Yuanyuan is curious~"

"I'm going to pick up at noon... Mom has dinner together."

Pick up Mama for dinner? ? ?She is going too! ! !

"Yuanyuan wants to go, Yuanyuan wants to go too!" The little guy couldn't calm down anymore, he ran into the room like a little penguin, "Yuanyuan wants to go too!"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Proper lying can save a lot of trouble coaxing children.

Apart from having dinner with He Yitong today, there is another very important matter to deal with, and it is imminent.

I can't let this little glutinous rice ball know anymore!

Yu Jinxiao thought for a while, and decided to use this matter to relax Xiao Zai Zai's vigilance: "Okay, I'll take you with me."


(End of this chapter)

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