The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1024 They...are they getting back together?

Chapter 1024 They...are they getting back together?
Yu Jinxiao didn't intend to get to the bottom of this matter at first, he just wanted to test He Yitong's attitude towards Yu Yuanyuan and find an excuse to have lunch with her.

Now that he knew about Yu Yingze and Yu Mingxi's little secret, he had a headache all afternoon.

"Don't put pressure on Yingze and Mingxi, they have their own ideas." On the way back to the set after dinner, He Yitong said suddenly.

Yu Jinxiao let out a "hmm", as a way to save He Yitong's face, and won't confiscate the phones of his two sons when he returns home.

However, it's time to talk about it again.

The car slowly parked in the parking lot outside the crew. It seemed that the fans had dispersed, and it was deserted outside.

"I'll take you in." Yu Jinxiao opened the car door for her, and the little guy later clamored to go together.

"No, I'll go in alone."

After He Yitong got out of the car, she stepped on her high heels and walked in faster. Suddenly, the sense of crisis in her blood was triggered, causing her to panic for no reason.

Suddenly, seven or eight fans, both men and women, rushed out of the invisible corners around them, and they all crowded around excitedly.

They also learned how to make artists lower their vigilance, hide all of them, and only show up when they look at the target.

Yu Jinxiao almost immediately closed the car door, locked it, and hurried towards the place where He Yitong was surrounded.

"Sister Tong, can I take a picture?"

"Sister Tong, can you sign your name?"

The fans were very excited, holding up the things in their hands and pushing towards her desperately, as if they were afraid that they would be left behind.

He Yitong, who was wearing high heels, stepped on a road full of stones, was pushed back and forth, left and right, and accidentally sprained his foot.

The feeling of weightlessness caused her heart to jump suddenly, her arm was suddenly supported by a firm palm, and her back leaned against the warm chest.

Even without looking back, He Yitong could tell who was supporting her through her sense of smell.

Probably because the aura that suddenly appeared in front of him was too strong, Yu Jinxiao coldly glanced across the crowd, and all the fans calmed down and stopped being excited.

"Signing is fine, and taking pictures is fine, but..." He Yitong held his heart and gasped for breath.

"All line up!" Yu Jinxiao sternly helped her emphasize.

The fans who had been crowding around suddenly lined up obediently in a straight line.

Under Yu Jinxiao's frightening gaze, they didn't dare to mess around anymore, they signed their autographs, took a photo and stood aside.

In particular, the man's own terrifying aura, combined with He Yitong's natural Yujie aura when he was silent, seemed to collide with a particularly CP feeling.

At the end, after the last girl who went up to sign autographs and take photos with He Yitong, she suddenly turned her eyes to Yu Jinxiao and asked, "I... can I take a photo of you?"

Yu Jinxiao immediately frowned: "No way!"

At that time, it will definitely be put on the Internet again, coupled with some unnecessary remarks, bringing him a wave of hatred.

"Okay... okay." The girl didn't dare to refute Yu Jinxiao's fierce tone, so she could only walk away resentfully holding her phone.

Everyone signed their names and took photos. Yu Jinxiao sent He Yitong back to the set before turning back.

The fans who were discussing on twitter suddenly felt a murderous look at the exit!
Sure enough, Yu Jinxiao came out!
Everyone pursed their lips tightly and remained motionless, turning their heads slowly like a robot.

It wasn't until Yu Jinxiao got into the car that they dared to breathe heavily.

"They...are they getting back together?" Someone among the fans asked weakly, "Didn't it mean that Sister Tong got very close to that Yi Yuzhang recently?"

(End of this chapter)

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