The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1025 You Can Protect Yuanyuan People

Chapter 1025 You Can Protect Yuanyuan People
"I didn't see whether Sister Tong and Yi Yuzhang were close or not," the girl who wanted to take a picture of Yu Jinxiao just now had her eyes startled, "But Sister Tong and Yu Jinxiao were very close just now, I saw it."

After listening to her words, everyone nodded in unison.

"It's the first time I've seen Yu Jinxiao so close, my God, he's so handsome, and he's so tall." Somebody suddenly raised his head again, and the fans started discussing again excitedly, "That moment when I held Sister Tong, really My boyfriend is so powerful!"

"What boyfriend, that's my ex-husband, ahem," the discussion became more and more intense, "Maybe it won't be long before I become a real husband again."

Yu Jinxiao, who was driving, sneezed suddenly, and glanced at the rearview mirror, suspecting that someone was speaking ill of him behind his back.

"Baba~~You are not injured~" Yu Yuanyuan's little milk voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Yu Jinxiao was startled: "Why do you ask that?"

"There were a lot of people rushing towards him just now, it was so scary!" Yu Yuanyuan stammered and explained.

"No injury." Yu Jinxiao glanced at the rearview mirror and replied.

Scary with just a few fans?Does this little glutinous rice ball have no idea how many fans she has now?
Surrounded by fans in the future, she couldn't help shivering and crying on the spot?
Just substituting Yu Yuanyuan's height and imagining the scene of being surrounded by fans layer by layer, let alone, it was quite scary.

After sending the little guy home, Yu Jinxiao went to the company again, and rushed home before dinner in the afternoon.

I have something very important to do tonight.

Tomorrow is Shen Ji's 11th birthday, and it is also the day he agreed to leave Yu's house.

In the past few nights, after Shen Ji finished his homework and previewed his homework, he was packing up the things that needed to be taken away.

At that time, Uncle Yang will personally help him send them all back.

During this period of time, everyone has gotten used to Shen Ji's life at home, and thinking that this room will be vacant in the future, everyone is still reluctant to part with it.

After dinner, Yu Jinxiao deliberately waited until Yu Yuanyuan went back to the room to play with toys, and then called Shen Ji to the study.

"Mr. Yu." Shen Ji walked into the study room. He didn't close the door at first, but Yu Jinxiao specially signaled him to close it.

That little glutinous rice ball likes to come to the study when she has nothing to do. If she hears about it, it will inevitably cause more troubles to deal with.

"Shen Ji, tomorrow is your 11th birthday." Yu Jinxiao didn't want to beat around the bush, "Someone wants to have dinner with you."

After carefully listening to Yu Jinxiao's words, Shen Ji's brows couldn't stop jumping wildly: "Who?"

"Shen Zhuya."

After hearing those three words, Shen Ji pretended to be calm, as if something was going on, and he couldn't calm down no matter what.

"Did you already know him?" Yu Jinxiao guessed something from Shen Ji's reaction.

He neither asked why nor who Shen Juya was, the only response was Shen Mohe thinking.

After a while, Shen Ji nodded: "I know, I knew about it a long time ago, and I checked his information."

Seeing Shen Ji's reaction, Yu Jinxiao suddenly softened his voice: "I'm just saying, the decision to go or not is up to you, and everything depends on your own wishes."

"Thank you, Mr. Yu, I have already made up my mind," Shen Ji thought for a short time, as if he had already made countless assumptions about this question, and now he just said the already decided answer, "I will go to of."

If he doesn't go, he will always be that useless waste who depends on others.

Then he won't be able to protect Yuanyuan in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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