The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1026 In 24 hours, you can do many things

Chapter 1026 In 24 hours, you can do many things
Yu Jinxiao nodded: "He will contact you."


Tacitly, the conversation between the two was very simple.

"By the way, about your birthday..."

"Bang!" Something hit hard on the study door, interrupting what Yu Jinxiao wanted to say.

I saw something moving quickly under the crack of the door, and the door lock rattled.

At the same time, Yu Yuanyuan's anxious little voice came in: "What the hell!! Brother Shen Ji is celebrating his birthday? Eat cake~ want to eat cake~~"

Without this cute little tone, Yu Jinxiao would really suspect that there is a puppy outside who wants to break in the door.

The door was squeezed by the small body, and the little hands wanted to open the door, but the door was locked and could not be opened, so they had to squeeze and squeeze with their weight.

Shen Ji looked at Yu Jinxiao, the dark clouds that had been entangled just now disappeared from his face, only a pampering and helpless smile remained.

After Yu Jinxiao nodded, he opened the door.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was still squeezing the door, rushed into the room at once, bumping his head into Shen Ji's arms.

The dizzy little guy froze for a moment, and when he saw clearly that the person in front of him was Shen Ji, he said excitedly: "Brother Shen Ji~~ Let's eat cake together tomorrow~ I want to eat cake for my birthday~ Hehehe!"

"Yu Yuanyuan!" Yu Jinxiao raised his voice, deliberately calling her name in a cold tone.

Xiao Zai Zai, who was so happy that he almost lost control, shrank his neck weakly, and quietly looked at Ba Ba's expression.

"What's the matter?" He called out his name again in such a fierce tone.

They just want to eat cake with Brother Shen Ji for his birthday.

"Shen Ji has arrangements tomorrow, so don't disturb him." Yu Jinxiao extinguished Xiao Zai Zai's expectations in a second.

"Ah...Jiang Zi...then brother Shen Ji wants to celebrate his birthday with someone else?" Yu Yuanyuan hung her head, looking pitiful and disappointed.

The eyes that were still shining just now were like stars that suddenly fell, without the light that made people gaze.

"I have something to do tomorrow, can I have a make-up birthday with Yuanyuan later?" Shen Ji touched that little head and made a new proposal.

Although he said "make up for it", Xiao Zaizai didn't seem too happy, and said sullenly: "Okay~ Brother Shen Ji celebrates his birthday, so I listen to brother Shen Ji."

After hearing the answer, Shen Ji raised his head and looked in Yu Jinxiao's direction, as if saying that he had already comforted Yu Yuanyuan and there would be no problem.

It's just that Yu Jinxiao thinks that this little dumpling should not be so easy to coax.

I don't know how many times I will repeat it tomorrow.

Although Yu Yuanyuan now has more time to "make demands" than before, she still expresses her ideas within a reasonable range.

It's different from when I first took her out of the orphanage.

Probably at that time, I was always afraid of being thrown away. Xiao Tangyuan was always very obedient and obedient, and rarely expressed his thoughts and ideas.

Now she should feel the love from everyone and feel safe enough, so she will start to try to make more "requests".

This is not a bad thing for Yu Jinxiao.

The disappointed little figure was led back to the room by Shen Ji.

Yu Yuanyuan was depressed and became a ball, sitting on the carpet and pinching the little lion to play.

Sitting beside her, Shen Ji thumped his palm happily: "Does Yuanyuan remember how many hours there are in a day?"

"Two... 24? Brother Shen Ji said it before." Xiao Zai Zai raised his head a little confused, as if he didn't understand why he said this at this time.

Shen Ji patted her on the head and smiled softly: "That's right, there are 24 hours tomorrow, and you can do a lot of things."

(End of this chapter)

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