The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1027 Yuanyuan is happy every day

Chapter 1027 Every Day Is Happy With Yuanyuan

Xiao Zaizai felt that Shen Ji's brother's words made sense, but he couldn't figure out how it was related to the previous topic, so he was taken aback for a while, so he just nodded foolishly.

I thought that I would finally have a chance to eat birthday cake, but Shen Ji's brother had other arrangements, Yu Zaizai was very sad.

Starting tomorrow, brother Shen Ji will be moving out, and she can no longer play with brother Shen Ji anytime and anywhere.

Suddenly getting used to the days before, the little guy was not very energetic the next day.

Not to mention Yu Yuanyuan, Aunt Chen and Uncle Yang also like Shen Ji very much, suddenly there is one less person in the family, and the lively feeling will fade a bit.

It is always difficult for people to adapt to change.

Everyone knows that today is Shen Ji's birthday. After waking up in the morning, everyone Shen Ji meets will say happy birthday to him.

Shen Ji's eyes had a different light than before.

From childhood to adulthood, no one remembered his birthday, and he always stayed alone silently.

He has no friends, let alone family members who can accompany him on his birthday.

For him, birthday was just a day lonelier than ever.

But today is different.

When he got up together, Uncle Yang said happy birthday to him and gave him a birthday present, which was a scarf that looked very warm.

Others also prepared presents early, and Shen Ji hugged a lot of presents as soon as he took his seat.

After eating, he packed up his things and put them in his luggage next to each other.

Later, the luggage will be sent out of Yu's house.

"Brother Shen Ji~~" When Shen Ji was leaving for school, Yu Zaizai ran out erratically, pouted his mouth, "Yuanyuan didn't come so I was in a hurry to prepare a birthday present, for Buji."

It was only late last night that I found out that it was Shen Ji's birthday, and Yu Zaizai didn't come in time to prepare a present meticulously.

She didn't expect that everyone else had prepared her own gift, and she felt even more depressed.

"It's okay," Shen Ji knelt down and hugged the little cub, "Yuanyuan has already given me many, many birthday presents."

"Ah? What is it?" The little guy was stunned.

"It's happiness and happiness. Every day with Yuanyuan is very happy, very happy!"

Shen Ji was very serious when he said all this, making Yu Zaizai believe his words without any doubt.

"Hey hey~Happy birthday to Brother Shen Ji~~" Yu Zaizai stretched out his small arms and gave Shen Ji a firm hug.

If it wasn't for the lack of time, Yu Zaizai would have to chat with Shen Ji for a long time before letting him go.

But he was going to be late for school soon, and under repeated reminders from Yu Jinxiao and Gao Zhou, Xiao Zai Zai was reluctant to let go.

Sitting in the car, Shen Ji looked back from time to time.

When he saw the rear of the car getting farther and farther away from that little cub, his heart seemed to be tightly bound by a cold and rusty wire, and he was suffocating and almost breathless.

He clearly knew it was not a permanent separation, but he still couldn't control the reluctance in his heart.

It turns out that after getting used to her being by her side, even if it's just going back to the old days, it will be so uncomfortable like a knife.

It could be seen that Shen Ji was very reluctant to part with Yu Yuanyuan, Gao Zhou felt that he should change the oppressive atmosphere at this time, and suddenly took out a small box to him: "Come on, happy birthday!"

Shen Ji didn't expect that even Gao Zhou had prepared a birthday present for himself, and he stared blankly but didn't receive it.

"Hurry up and take it, it's your birthday present." Gao Zhou patted the steering wheel, indicating that the box interfered with his driving.

(End of this chapter)

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