The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1028 The gift knocks the level and looks good!

Chapter 1028 The gift knocks the level and looks good!
Quickly took the box, Shen Ji opened the lid, and there was actually a pen lying inside.

The style is a style that young people will like, very delicate, not too luxurious, nor cheap.

Gao Zhou thought about a lot of gifts, and after much deliberation, he felt that none of them were suitable for Shen Ji, but the pen was perfect.

Shen Ji's grades are so good, and he is still studying, so he spends a lot of time writing.

Moreover, Gao Zhou had seen Shen Ji's handwriting, which was very beautiful.

"Thank you... Thank you Brother Zhou!" Shen Ji subconsciously wanted to refuse, but he could see that this was definitely not an ordinary gift.

Even a pen is a very expensive pen.

This is a price that Shen Ji would never come into contact with normally.

But he was too aware of Gao Zhou's temper.

Even if he refuses, Gao Zhou will force it to himself, and will show a disappointed and anxious expression, thinking that he doesn't like it.

Shen Ji did not spoil Gao Zhou's mood and kindness, and accepted the gift calmly.

"Thank you, I'm so mean." Seeing the gift being accepted, Gao Zhou really smiled happily.

Today, everyone is very happy, everyone seems to be in a good mood because of Shen Ji's birthday, only Xiao Zai Zai is very depressed.

She didn't have to go to school, she was alone in the room, looking at the toys in the room in a daze.

In the future, I will never wait for brother Shen Ji to come back from school to play with her.

Thinking of this, Yu Zaizai's eyes couldn't help but turn red, he hummed a few times sadly, and suddenly wiped away his tears with his claws.

While wiping his eyes, the little guy said to himself: "Today is Brother Shen Ji's birthday, so be happy and don't cry."

right!Although I didn't come this morning in a hurry to give brother Shen Ji a birthday gift, but brother Shen Ji said that he will still come to tutor every day in the future, and he can make up for his birthday gift at that time!
Yu Zaizai lay on the bed, thinking and thinking, thinking that his head was about to explode, finally he had an idea!
Brother Shen Ji loves reading very much, and every time he puts a small piece of paper in the book.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't understand what she was doing at first, but later brother Shen Ji told her so that she knew what she was seeing.

That little piece of paper is called a bookmark.

Just do it, Yu Zaizai took out his own drawing paper and brush, and spread a large piece on the table.

She deliberately chose a hard cardboard material, and typed several drafts on drawing paper to determine a version of the plan.

Aunt Chen was worried that Yu Yuanyuan would be unhappy today, so she went upstairs to take a look from time to time.

But the little figure sat at the table except for lunch, earnestly painting and drawing.

Before dinner, Yu Yuanyuan finally finished the little bookmark that she had been drawing all day!
She carefully placed the bookmark near the window to dry, and then pasted up a box with scotch glue and colored tape.

Even though it was crooked, in the eyes of the three-year-old Zaizai, she felt that the gift she made after a hard day was really pretty!

Aunt Chen called her downstairs to eat, and she turned her head three times at a step, stopping to admire the bookmark and the small box for two seconds each time, and then walked two steps towards the door with a "hehehe", repeating this.

After eating, Yu Zaizai slipped back into the room and lay down on the table admiring his "masterpiece".

It was getting dark.

Yu Zaizai looked out of the window, his little mouth squeezed his head up and down as soon as he spoke: "Brother Shen Ji, did you eat cake? Is the cake delicious?"

"Meow—(Go downstairs!) Meow—(Go downstairs!)" Dahua's super loud meow suddenly sounded outside the window.

"Big Flower? What's wrong?" Aunt Chen's voice sounded from downstairs.

There was a soft noise in the yard, and it was quiet again after a while.

Aunt Chen thought that wild cats from other places came into the yard to hunt big flowers, and was about to go out to chase them with a broom, but there were no other cats in the yard at all.

Dahua Benhua was lying obediently in the cat's house, seeing Aunt Chen's flustered look, the cat was even a little astonished.

But Yu Yuanyuan is different, she can understand little Miaomiao.

Dahua seems to be telling people to go downstairs!
Is there something wrong?
Putting on the slippers, Xiao Zai Zai wandered to the yard, and the air-conditioning of the night outside rushed towards him, puffing on the tip of Yu Yuanyuan's small nose.

In just a moment, the tip of the little nose was a little red from the cold.

The street lamp next to the cat house was lit a little.

Da Hua seems to have smelled her, and is pushing her head out of the cat house to look.

"Meow (you finally came down)—" Dahua swayed her plump body, meow meow meow came over.

"Dafa, what's the matter? Are there other meows bullying you?" Yu Yuanyuan knelt down and touched Dahua's head with her cold little hands.

Dahua's body is warm, like a fluffy hand warmer, so comfortable~
"No, look outside." Dahua shook her head and walked towards the gate of the courtyard, shaking the cat's head desperately to signal.

Yu Zaizai poked his head out curiously, ah, it's brother Shen Ji!

It is rare for Shen Ji not to wear a school uniform, but a black overcoat and a scarf. The night successfully hid his body in the darkness.

But that overly fair face was like a ray of light in the night, and Yu Zaizai could see it clearly at a glance.

"Yuanyuan?" Shen Ji looked at the little guy who jumped out in surprise.

He didn't know how long he stood outside, holding a small box in his hand, his face and fingertips were so cold that they were like ice cubes.

"Brother Shen Ji, why are you standing here? Come on in, it's so cold outside." Yu Yuanyuan tugged at the hem of his clothes, wanting to bring Shen Ji home.

Shen Ji didn't go in with her, but squatted down and gently held those little hands: "I'm here to deliver cakes to Yuanyuan, so I won't go in."

"Ah! Brother Shen Ji finished eating?" Yu Yuanyuan tilted his head and asked curiously, "Who is Brother Shen Ji celebrating birthday with?"

Although Yu Yuanyuan was a child, she knew that Shen Ji's uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters treated him very badly, and it was unlikely that this group of people would celebrate Shen Ji's birthday.

Could it be brother Shen Ji's good friend at school?

Xiao Zai Zai is actually a little disappointed, she also wants to celebrate brother Shen Ji's birthday~
Shen Ji's eyes seemed to be disturbed by something, like a calm pool of water suddenly swaying with endless ripples.

This question seemed to have stepped on something that Shen Ji didn't want to mention, but when he met Yu Yuanyuan's curious eyes, he couldn't say anything to deceive her.

There was no way to ignore Yuanyuan's question.

"Yuanyuan, I'm going to celebrate my birthday with a special person tonight..." Shen Ji gently stroked the little head in front of him, as if he was trying to gather courage.

"Special person?" Xiao Zai Zai, who was unaware, continued to ask curiously following his words.

"It's my dad."

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan's eyes widened in shock, "Brother Shen Ji has a father?!"

It was originally a contradictory and uncomfortable matter, but Shen Ji couldn't help laughing at Yu Yuanyuan's words.

(End of this chapter)

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