The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1029 Jie is a gift made by Yuanyuan

Chapter 1029 Jie is a gift made by Yuanyuan
"How could I not have a father?" Shen Ji patted that shaking head while laughing.

Yu Yuanyuan realized that there was something wrong with her words, she pursed her lips and immediately changed her words: "Yuanyuan meant... brother Shen Ji's father...appeared?!"

"Pfft," Shen Ji felt more and more amused the more he listened, "Yuanyuan's words are so cute."

Obviously it was a troublesome matter that had troubled him from just now, but when it was said from Yu Yuanyuan's mouth, it suddenly became cute and interesting.

"Hey hey," Yu Yuanyuan shook her finger, then asked cautiously, "Brother Shen Ji's Baba is back, so does that don't have to live at my uncle's house? They don't treat brother Shen Ji well. "

"Well, I'm going home to live." Shen Ji nodded, and the smile on his face was much less.

Already a mature cub who can read the air, Yu Yuanyuan can tell at a glance that Shen Ji is not very happy.

"Then... Brother Shen Ji's Ba Ba is good to Brother Shen Ji?" She is most concerned about this question.

The uncle's family treats brother Shen Ji so badly, if brother Shen Ji's father treats him badly, then...then why not let brother Shen Ji live with her!
Shen Ji lowered his head with a smile, complex emotions flowed in his eyes that no one saw: "Forget it, it should...forget it."


Yes, yes, no, no, what should it be?
So the world of big friends is so complicated?
Yu Yuanyuan tilted her head, and wanted to avoid asking a few questions, but Shen Ji successfully diverted her attention by raising the box in his hand.

"Yuanyuan, this is a cake, shall we eat cake together?" Shen Ji smiled and unwrapped the beautiful ribbon, and inside was a very cute pink cake.

This cake seemed to be specially prepared for Yu Yuanyuan, and for a while he couldn't tell whose birthday it was.

"Ah duck! Yuanyuan has prepared a gift, Yuanyuan goes up to get it!"

Xiao Zai Zai suddenly jumped up and dashed towards the upstairs.

"Slow down, be careful not to fall." Shen Ji watched from behind with trepidation.

Even though he was outside the house, Shen Ji still automatically figured out how Yu Yuanyuan climbed upstairs step by step, and how he came down step by step after returning to the room to get the gift.

Sure enough, the picture that automatically appeared in his mind was surprisingly consistent with the rhythm in reality.

Yu Yuanyuan pushed open the door and ran out, holding up a cute little box: "It's a gift made by Yuanyuan!"

"Did Yuanyuan make it by herself?" Shen Ji's eyes also had light in the dark night.

Open the box carefully, and there is a rectangular piece of paper lying inside.

There is a cute little doll head drawn on it, it looks like...he and Yuanyuan.

Especially the hairstyle and facial features are very similar, and the words happy birthday are crookedly written on the back of the small piece of paper.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't know how to write, but she went to ask Sister Bei for advice, so she could draw the same shape.

"It's... hot..." Yu Yuanyuan didn't know what a bookmark was, and tried to make Shen Ji understand its meaning, "in the book... it's hot..."

"A bookmark?" Shen Ji understood what she meant in seconds, "Put it in, so you can know which page of the book you are reading?"

"That's right, that's right, brother Shen Ji is amazing!!!" Yu Yuanyuan jumped up excitedly, with puffs of white air still coming out of her small mouth.

Shen Ji carefully looked at the small bookmark that he had painted by himself for a long time, and his smile was very gentle: "Yuanyuan is the best, and the drawing is very beautiful, I will keep it well."

"Hehehe." Yu Yuanyuan swayed and smirked, her eyes gradually turned to the cake.

(End of this chapter)

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