The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1030 So good at such a young age, the future can be expected

Chapter 1030 So good at such a young age, the future can be expected

Shen Ji knew at a glance that she wanted to eat cake, and immediately put away the gift carefully, put it in the pocket close to his heart, and buttoned it up specially.

I pressed my hand lightly on it to make sure it was there before I started cutting the cake with tools.

The cake was not particularly big, Shen Ji could just hold it with one hand, cut a large piece with one knife, and distributed it to the small dinner plate held by Yu Yuanyuan's hands.

"Wow~ There are strawberries, there are strawberries!" Xiao Zaizai meowed excitedly, "Yuanyuan is so porridge~"

Shen Ji looked at that happy smiling face, the affection on his face and eyes was completely messed up.

It was all chosen especially for her, and of course she would like it.

Two small figures squatted in the night, with only a warm yellow street lamp above their heads, looking cold and quiet.

But the atmosphere around them is very warm, as if the world has set aside a separate space for them, leaving only happiness and warmth for them.

After eating the cake, Yu Yuanyuan's little hands became warmer, and the round white air she exhaled when she spoke became particularly cute.

"By the way, Brother Shen Ji's it fun?" Yu Yuanyuan opened her eyes wide, her dark pupils filled with curiosity, "What's the big one? Are there any toys? Will there be many rooms?"

"I haven't gone back to look at it yet. When I'm settled, I'll take Yuanyuan to play, okay?" Shen Ji carefully picked out the strawberries on his plate and handed them to her.

Xiao Zai Zai smiled and forked it up and put it in his mouth, and nodded his head lightly: "Okay, okay~~"

He happily ate the cake, but Yu Zaizai still had a dissatisfied expression on his face, squinting his eyes like a kitten just meditating.

Shen Ji's fingers trembled, and he involuntarily lifted them up and placed them on her little head, stroking lightly and slowly.

Yu Yuanyuan also raised her head, sending the fluffy head to his palm.

The squinting eyes are no different from a kitten patting its belly after eating and drinking.

"Brother Shen Ji..." Happy Xiaomiao didn't know what to think of, suddenly shrank her little head, and asked weakly, "Then you move back home, will you come to tutor Yuanyuan in the future?"

The small eyes are cautious, as if wanting to look forward to something, but dare not have too much expectation, for fear of being disappointed.

He could only look at it so pitifully, with a little bit of cream hanging from the corner of his mouth that he was eager to lick off.

Shen Ji smiled and wiped off the cream on the corner of her mouth with his fingers, and nodded firmly: "Come on, I promised Mr. Yu that I will give Yuanyuan tutoring for a year."

"How long is a year?"

"It's been a long time."

"Wow, that's great!"

The two children gave gifts, ate cakes, squatted under the street lights and played for more than an hour just chatting.

far away.

He Shuxuan and the others who had to stand by in the car due to the sudden drop in winter weather were staring at the small scenery under the street lights.

"I didn't say that, the child is only ten years old, right? This operation...I actually saw a little romance!"

Inside the car, a woman in a black uniform was covering her heart, her brows exaggerated.

"It's quite good. I remember this little boy lived in Mr. Yu's house before, right?"

"It's him, it's him."

"It's so good at a young age, and the future can be expected."

Shen Ji played with Yu Yuanyuan for a while, but after losing the heat from the cake, her little hands were gradually frozen by the night.

It was very cold after nightfall, Shen Ji was afraid that she would get sick, so he said cruelly: "Yuanyuan, I have to go home, there will be no bus later."

Even though he didn't want to leave, in order for Yu Yuanyuan to go back to the house as soon as possible, he had to make up his mind.

"Okay~" Xiao Zai Zai sighed and stood up, suddenly rushed over to hug Shen Ji, and kissed him on the face, "Brother Shen Ji, happy birthday duck~ I want to be happy every day~"

(End of this chapter)

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