The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1040 Give me a little time to think

Chapter 1040 Give me some time to think
Good day, you old and cunning Xie Xin!
It's fine to persuade her by herself, and she managed to pull Xiaotangyuan into her camp, and asked her to join in and persuade her.

Yu Jinxiao may be able to resist Xie Xin's earnest words, but he may not be able to continue to stabilize his position under Yu Yuanyuan's coquettish offensive.

"Baba~~ Let's record the show with Yuanyuan~" Xiao Zaizai grabbed Yu Jinxiao's trouser leg and shook it, shaking his head, "It's fun to record the show with Baba!"

Super... super happy!

As if the correct password had been entered, Yu Jinxiao couldn't help but sit up straight, looking down at the little glutinous rice balls.

"Do you want me to go that way?"

"Yes, yes, I want to knock on the level!"

"Super want?"

"Knock on the level, knock on the level, knock on the level!"

Yu Yuanyuan's exaggerated tone gave Yu Jinxiao a lot of satisfaction.

He calmly pursed his lower lip, and without immediately agreeing, he looked at the computer screen and asked, "What surprise did you mention for Yuanyuan?"

Xie Xin smiled even more mysteriously: "Since it's a surprise, of course I can't know it now, but don't worry, I won't harm Yuanyuan."


"Mr. Yu..."

The two voices are different, but the tone is very similar to persuasion one after another.

In the end, Yu Jinxiao just frowned and said, "I'll think about it again, give me some time."

This time Yu Jinxiao's attitude was obviously shaken, Xie Xin didn't urge him to give an answer right away, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for your answer."

The video call was hung up, Yu Zaizai lay on Baba's lap, his little head tilted in doubt: "Baba doesn't want to record a show with Yuanyuan?"

Of course it wasn't that he didn't want to, but he even moved the idea of ​​making Yu Yuanyuan quit.

She was allowed to participate in the first place, hoping to announce her identity through this method, and also let everyone know Xiaotangyuan's cute side, so that she would not be associated with a bad impression of him just because she is his daughter.

But the current situation is somewhat different from what Yu Jinxiao imagined.

Yu Yuanyuan was still so young, he was worried that these rumors would affect her.

"Do you like recording programs?" Yu Jinxiao didn't immediately ask her if she wanted to quit, but used a more cryptic statement.

Xiao Zaizai nodded vigorously without any hesitation: "Porridge! Knock down the porridge!!"

"Why?" Yu Jinxiao didn't really understand.

For such a small Douding, it takes such a long time to record a program, doesn't it feel hard?

"Because the games in each show are so interesting, Yuanyuan usually doesn't play well, it's very interesting!"

Yu Yuanyuan just explained her thoughts, but it made Yu Jinxiao's heart skip a beat.

Usually he is very busy with work, so he can't take her out to play at any time; Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze are still young, so Yu Jinxiao is worried about them taking Yu Yuanyuan out to play.

Apart from the fact that the kindergarten is home, the recording of the program is probably an interesting relaxation and excursion for Yu Yuanyuan.

It is a life adjustment for her to be exposed to different activities.

Thinking of this, Yu Jinxiao couldn't say anything to make her quit.

"Baba...will you go to record a show with Yuanyuan?" Yu Zaizai's claws lightly touched his knees, and his voice trailed off.

Like a cautious and pleasing little animal, it blinked its big eyes and looked at him expectantly.

"Give me some time to think about it." Yu Jinxiao said in a deep voice.

"Okay." Baba didn't immediately agree, Yu Yuanyuan was a little disappointed.

"What are you doing with such a bitter face? I'll take you somewhere tomorrow." Yu Jinxiao's big hand covered that messy little head.

(End of this chapter)

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