The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1041 Where are we going?

Chapter 1041 Where are we going?

"Karma? Where are you going to play?" After Ting Baba said this, Yu Yuanyuan had already turned on the excitement mode, her little feet stomping back and forth on the carpet.

That little move was like a kitten, looking at him eagerly.

Yu Jinxiao suddenly had the idea of ​​teasing this kitten, and smiled badly: "I'll find out tomorrow? It's a secret now!"

"Ah duck~ Yuanyuan wants to know now~~" Xiao Zaizai started to shake his trouser legs again.

But Yu Jinxiao is temporarily immune to this operation, and continues to look at the computer calmly.

Yu Yuanyuan chattered for a while by herself, but she didn't get an answer, but she was tired of tossing about.

The yawning little cub suddenly sat down on the carpet, groaning and groaning from exhaustion, and rested on Yu Jinxiao's feet.

A few minutes later, there was a clear sound of breathing from under the table.

Yu Jinxiao paused the work in his hand, buried his head in a look...

Good guy, this little glutinous rice ball actually fell asleep sitting at his feet!
The small body leaned on the legs, supporting itself in a very difficult posture, and it was possible to fall to the ground at any time.

Just when Yu Yuanyuan was swaying and about to fall, Yu Jinxiao quickly supported her with his palm, and hugged his small body into his arms.

As soon as this small body was hugged in his arms, he moaned and turned around, and buried his head in his warm heart.

At this moment, Yu Jinxiao clearly felt the trust of being relied on.

There is such a cute little life relying on him, relying on him, giving him an unreserved sense of trust.

Yu Jinxiao patted that little head, carried Yu Zaizai back to the room, stuffed it into the quilt and wrapped it up.

The drowsy little one has a dreamless night.

It seems like a kitten with its belly open under a huge protective umbrella.

But in the morning when she was still dreaming, Yu Yuanyuan heard the sound of the door being pushed open, and the next second the curtains hushed and someone pulled them open.

The strong sunlight fell into the room, shaking Yu Yuanyuan's facial features into a ball.

"Yuanyuan sleepy~" The little milk's voice floated weakly from the gap in the quilt.

The little guy who was exposed to the sun has shrunk into the quilt, curled up into a small ball, trying to block the sun and noise.

"Yu Yuanyuan, get up." The side of the bed suddenly slumped, and a voice came out.

Yu Zaizai nestled under the quilt and did not move, he could only instinctively utter a simple syllable: "Sleepy~"

"Didn't I say yesterday that I'm going to take you somewhere today? If you don't get up again, then I'll go by myself." Yu Jinxiao didn't need to use his hands, or even lift the quilt, just relying on these words, the little cub was relaxed. Take it easy.

The little ball under the quilt finally moved, and a fluffy and messy head popped out.

The big eyes were narrowed because of extreme sleepiness: "Ah...where are you going?"

"You have a chance to know when you get up now, and you have no chance to know if you don't get up."

How can cats let go of their curiosity? When Yu Jinxiao said this, Yu Yuanyuan tried hard to open her eyes, and her brows were raised so high that she could only open them a little.

"Then... Yuanyuan will get up immediately."

The little guy was like a little robot with insufficient power, slowly and unsteadily crawled out of the quilt, and went to wash by himself.

The eyes were dimmed the whole time, until I changed my clothes and saw breakfast downstairs.

Food is always the best thing to wake up the cubs.

After breakfast, she got into the car, Yu Yuanyuan was surprised to find that it was only her and her father today!Not even Gao Su Su!
"Baba, where are we going?"

(End of this chapter)

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