The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1042 Pull out, the dog is laughing——

Chapter 1042 Pull out, the dog is laughing——

Yu Jinxiao didn't answer, he drove with a clear goal, and he took Xiao Zai Zai to a small manor in the suburbs not long after.

The small estate is well maintained, with lush greenery and hardy flowers swaying brightly in the wind.

Many small trees have been cut into the shape of European-style carved stone pillars, and it seems that the whole manor exudes extraordinary nobility.

"Wow, Jieli is a park? It's so beautiful!" Yu Yuanyuan's small hand had already touched the car window, and her big eyes eagerly looked at the scenery outside.

The gate is electronically controlled. After Yu Jinxiao made a phone call, the gate slowly went up, opening a road for them.

Yu Jinxiao drove in slowly, and saw a person standing outside the villa from a distance.

It was Yu Cangnan.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

As soon as the car stopped, the barking of the little milk dog sounded outside the car.

Yu Jinxiao got out of the car first, and a yellow Shiba Inu the size of a small bench jumped up excitedly and jumped at his feet.

"This is Lin Sen's puppy named Wangwang."

Yu Jinxiao has never been very interested in small animals, so he walked around to the back and opened the car door...

Unexpectedly, the puppy jumped into the car excitedly, frightening the unprepared Yu Yuanyuan to petrification on the spot.

After a few seconds of silence, something terrible sounded like an explosion in the car.

"Wow - there is a dog, there is a dog who wants to eat Yuanyuan! Woooooo!"

Yu Yuanyuan was sitting in the child seat, struggling with fright, the puppy was even more excited when he heard her cry, and stood up and pawed her feet with his claws, which made Yu Yuanyuan cry non-stop in fright.

When Yu Cangnan saw it, he immediately grabbed Wangwang out of the car, and pressed him desperately in his arms to keep him from moving around.

"Yuanyuan, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Wangwang was caught by me, it doesn't eat people, it eats dog food." Yu Cangnan was in a hurry, thinking of what to say, almost making Yu Jinxiao laugh.

There is nothing wrong with listening to these words alone, but coming out of an adult's mouth, it will inevitably have a comic effect.

The frightened little Zai Zai couldn't listen, and shrank in Yu Jinxiao's heart, biting his fingers and trembling.

Wangwang's dog head was squeezed in Yu Cangnan's arms, and he happily stuck out his tongue at Yu Yuanyuan.

Yu Yuanyuan was cowardly and curious, her eyes were fixed on Wangwang: "Baba, the dog is laughing—"

The small tone seemed to be complaining to him.

"Yeah, it's laughing, not to eat you, but to be friends with you." Yu Cangnan immediately echoed softly.

This guy had just arrived, and Yu Yuanyuan cried out in fright, and he was also a little embarrassed.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't answer, even though the dog was laughing, she was still scared, beeping.

Yu Cangnan put Wangwang on the ground and motioned for them to enter the house.

He had juice coffee and tea ready long before they arrived.

"Your second sister-in-law has gone to the company, and Lin Sen has to go to class today." Yu Cangnan invited people into the study, and ordered Scary to prepare the prepared coffee.

Sitting on the sofa, Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to shrink her feet, her whole body was tense, her eyes kept staring at Wangwang who was squatting on the ground.

The excited Wangwang seemed to have calmed down, and stopped jumping up and pulling her, but just liked to lie near her.

This made Yu Yuanyuan feel uneasy even sitting on the sofa.

"Baba, can dogs climb sofas?" Yu Yuanyuan asked with a trembling voice.

"will not."

After the words fell, Wangwang got up wobbly, and put his front paws on the sofa.

"Yeah, it will!" Yu Yuanyuan exclaimed in shock.

Yu Cangnan cleared his throat: "Cough, Wangwang, sit down."

After hearing the order, Wangwang obediently sat back on the spot.

"Not yet?" Yu Jinxiao looked at Yu Cangnan and asked.

After saying that, the door of the study was pushed open by the servant, and behind him was a familiar person——He Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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