The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1043 I don't want to be that rat shit that hurts you

Chapter 1043 I don't want to be that rat shit that hurts you

Suddenly receiving a call from Yu Cangnan, He Chen thought it was a scam call and couldn't believe it.

However, he didn't rush to type on the phone, but followed the content given by the person on the phone, and wrote down the agreed time and place.

If he hadn't seen such a big and beautiful manor, He Chen might not believe that Yu Cangnan would let him come here.

Seeing Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Jinxiao still sitting in the room, He Chen woke up like a dream.

"Yuanyuan?" He Chen asked in shock.

"Brother Delicious~~" The happy Yu Yuanyuan jumped off the sofa, just about to open his arms to beg for a hug, Wangwang thought that Yu Yuanyuan wanted to hug her, and immediately ran towards her barking.

The little cub, who hadn't arrived yet, quickly turned the corner, babbling and running back, and barely sat down on the sofa after crawling for a long time.

Among them, Wangwang pushed her up with his head.

Probably Wangwang didn't understand that he didn't do anything, why this human cub was afraid of her when he saw her.

"Mr. Yu, Director Yu." He Chen saw Yu Cangnan for the first time and knew his reputation and status in the circle. He was a little nervous, and even his movements became unnatural.

He hooked his body and stood there with a cowardly flattering attitude, not even ashamed to sit in a chair.

"Sit down, don't be so reserved," Yu Cangnan smiled and motioned He Chenluo to sit down, and the servant moved the chair behind him, "I came here today just to talk to you, I thought you would get to know Yuanyuan and Jin Xiao better. , let them come together, it will be more comfortable.”

"What do you want to talk about?" Yu Yuanyuan was on guard against Wangwang, but couldn't stop her curiosity.

"I have a character here, which I think is quite suitable for He Chen. I would like to ask if you are interested?" Yu Cangnan took out the script to He Chen, which contained the character design, a series of generalizations and brief descriptions of the plot.

It seems that Yu Cangnan's film is almost ready, and it should start shooting soon.

Is it really only now that you think he is suitable?

He Chen suddenly thought of another possibility.

His peripheral vision swept over Yu Jinxiao and Yu Yuanyuan, and there was not much confidence in his eyes.

"Director Yu, if it's because of Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan...I shouldn't be too necessary..." He Chen didn't read the script immediately, but hemmed and hawed to organize his words.

Although his original schedule was put on hold, if he got a new opportunity because of Yuanyuan and Mr. Yu, he just felt like a villain taking advantage of Yuanyuan.

If he is strong, he can turn a blind eye to take over this role.

But if he doesn't act well, he won't lose face alone, and may even ruin the whole movie.

The kind of drama where one is grateful and bursts into a good show only exists in TV dramas, no one can change from ordinary acting to actor overnight.

"What are you talking about?" Yu Jinxiao frowned, interrupting He Chen's soliloquy.

Now that the atmosphere has reached this point, He Chen doesn't want to beat around the bush anymore: "Director Yu, if you gave me this opportunity because of Mr. Yu and Yuanyuan, I think...should...not need it."

Yu Cangnan's smile froze: "Why do you say that?"

"I don't want your movie to be ruined because of your kindness," He Chen bit his lip, and finally spoke continuously, "I know that Director Yu doesn't have any actors with poor acting skills in your movies. It's very powerful, very solid, and it's all for the level of winning prizes...I don't be that rat shit that hurts you."

Yu Cangnan finally understood what he meant, and laughed loudly: "So you are worried about this, have you seen many of my movies?"

(End of this chapter)

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