The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1049 Someone Settle This Matter For You

Chapter 1049 Someone Settle This Matter For You
He Chen couldn't sleep well these days, even after gaining self-deception peace during the day, he would doubt himself again in the dead of night.

Many of his friends also expressed their willingness to help.

But when he thought of Qiu Ruitian's vengeful villain, he was very afraid of dragging his friend into the water, so he could only politely refuse.

Everything that the company had arranged for him was on hold. Obviously, the movie was about to be completed soon, and his last shot was also put on hold.

I don't even know if the pictures I took so hard before will be preserved in the end.

He Chen felt as if there was no sunshine in his life, and everything that wasn't shrouded in life was a dark haze.

But today everything is different.

The olive branch thrown by Yu Cangnan made him very surprised and moved. A new opportunity was in front of him, as if it was a life-saving hand pulling him out of the quagmire.

Even if it was just chatting and laughing with Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Cangnan here, He Chen felt much more relaxed.

It seems that basking in the sun and going out to meet other people can wash away the bad luck on your body.


A phone rang suddenly in He Chen's pocket.

He got up quickly, and after embarrassingly gestured to the others, he took his mobile phone and went to the corridor.

The call was from the director of the film that was being filmed.

The director hasn't contacted him for a long time, what's the matter with this call?

Is it to inform him that there is... no way to recover?
"Hey, He Chen, hurry back to the set tomorrow."

He Chen's hand holding the phone began to sweat: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"Filming, it's only one scene away from you!" The director said confidently, "By the way, the movie doesn't need to be deleted, don't worry."

The director's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees, which made He Chen even more panicked, afraid of some bad omen.

Hearing that there was no sound on the other end of the phone, the director relaxed his tone again: "Someone has settled this matter for you, don't worry, just rest assured to shoot, and the movie will be released normally."

After hanging up the phone, He Chen felt that what happened today was like a dream.

It seems that all the misfortunes have turned into new changes in an instant, and his ruined life is gradually recovering...

No, it's even better than before!
Yu Cangnan asked him to play the leading role! !

Pushing open the door and going in, Yu Jinxiao raised his eyes and glanced at He Chen's movement.

Looking into those cold eyes, He Chen suddenly remembered what the director said just now.

Someone sorted this out.

Besides Yu Jinxiao, who else is capable of settling this matter? ?

Looking around the entire Hua Kingdom, the only person who can help him is Yu Jinxiao!
"Mr. that you?" He Chen stayed where he was and blurted out.

Yu Jinxiao ignored his gaze coldly: "What are you talking about?"

"The director called me just now and asked me to go back to filming tomorrow." He Chen hurriedly filled in the words he had missed.

As soon as he heard that Brother Haomei was able to film again, Yu Zaizai was the first to raise his paw to celebrate: "That's great!!"

The joyful cheers made the whole room feel warm.

"The culprit in this incident is not you. I just did the right thing, and I didn't intend to help you." Yu Jinxiao's words were very cryptic, but He Chen still understood that the person who allowed him to return to the set to film was Yu Jinxiao .

Money is the most powerful weapon.

Even though the director and Qiu Ruitian were teachers and students, the director himself didn't want to lose a lot of face because of this, and Yu Jinxiao also paid a huge amount of money to provide them with publicity funds.

The director decided...not to sell Qiu Ruitian's face!

Yu Yuanyuan, who was sitting by the side, scratched her head: "So, Baba, did you help Brother Haohao, or didn't you? Yuanyuan fainted!"

(End of this chapter)

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