The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1050 I deliberately whetted her appetite

Chapter 1050 I deliberately whetted her appetite

"My lord is talking, children don't interrupt." Yu Jinxiao's cheeks were a little red, and the atmosphere he deliberately created was completely destroyed by this little potato!
"It means helping, Yuanyuan, hahahaha." Yu Cangnan laughed without restraint.

"Thank you, Mr. Yu, thank you, thank you, thank you." He Chen was so excited that he wanted to cry, when he walked to Yu Jinxiao's side, he suddenly bent down, tears were already rolling in his eyes.

He Chen is a very sensitive person, he always cares about other people's kindness to him, even a little bit of kindness can be remembered for a lifetime.

Always magnifying the goodwill of others, trying to resolve malice, seem heartless, as if they don't care about anything, but they are easily influenced.

Yu Jinxiao's help this time was not a small favor, it was a huge favor he owed that could not be repaid for the time being.

Yu Jinxiao was not used to being thanked so directly and suddenly.

He frowned and changed his movements, raised his eyebrows and looked at Yu Cangnan who was opposite him: "Want to repay me? Then you should do well in my second brother's movie and let him win another award."

"I will do my best!" He Chen clenched his fist excitedly, the movement was exactly the same as Yu Yuanyuan's, "I bet my life!"

Upon hearing this, Yu Cangnan smiled and waved his hands: "That's not the case, life is still more important than movies, let's work hard together."

He Chen raised his head, his eyes were red, crying like a child, he kept wiping his eyes.

In the afternoon of that day, the news of He Chen's return to the film crew spread on the Internet.

When Yu Jinxiao, who had just returned home with Yu Yuanyuan, saw this trending search, he immediately guessed who bought it.

He Yitong?
He didn't doubt it at first, but someone in the trending search deliberately or unintentionally revealed that he, Yu Jinxiao, helped to bring the whole thing back on track.

More and more people scolded Qiu Ruitian, especially the fans of other people in the movie also united, scolding Qiu Ruitian for almost affecting his own actor's movie because of a trivial matter.

He Chen was obviously right in the whole incident, and the wind quickly flowed to his side.

The film was successfully completed a week later and will be released in three months.

At that time, Moe Explosion 1+1 will also start broadcasting, and He Chen will promote the movie on the show to increase the momentum of the movie.

He Chen's troubles were completely resolved, and Yu Zaizai's only trouble was completely gone, and he became a little boy who ate and drank every day again.

Suddenly, she missed the days of going to school and filming programs, at least they were very fulfilling and interesting.

She is the only one at home every day, her brother and Baba are not there, and Shen Ji's brother will come after school in the afternoon, what a bore!

Just when Xiao Zai Zai was about to become moldy from boredom, Ba Ba stopped her as soon as she stepped into the house in the afternoon: "Yu Yuanyuan, I'm going to record a show the day after tomorrow."

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan, who was spread into a pancake, jumped up, "Then Baba and Yuanyuan are going together?"

Yu Jinxiao deliberately did not answer right away, as if deliberately whetting her appetite.

When Yu Zaizai got impatient, he nodded in affirmation: "Yes, let's go."


After getting this news, Yu Yuanyuan was looking forward to the time passing by a little bit every day. She was really bored and wanted to record a show!
Finally waiting for the day of departure, Xiao Zai Zai packed his pink suitcase and couldn't wait to go downstairs.

"Yuanyuan is ready to go!"

Yu Jinxiao didn't bring many things, only a small black suitcase.

One big and one small got into the car and set off. Yu Yuanyuan, who was sitting in the back seat, suddenly grabbed Yu Jinxiao mysteriously and asked, "Baba~ What game are you playing today?"

Yu Jinxiao stared back: "How do I know?"

"What the hell! Wasn't Xie Susu chatting with Dad that day? Baba doesn't even know?"

(End of this chapter)

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