The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1052 Smiling Like a Lucky Meow

Chapter 1052 Smiling Like a Lucky Meow

Yu Jinxiao knew nothing about Xie Xin's operations today.

Looking at the orderly media workers at the scene, he guessed that this was also specially arranged by Xie Xin.

The eyes of each of them gleamed, as if they came here specially with X-rays, hoping to capture some bad things about Yu Jinxiao.

After all, the entire network has a very bad impression of him, but due to his identity and means, no one has ever dared to report too much about him.

Today is a formal and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

When Xie Xin invited them to come, he said that they could use live broadcasts, photos, and video recordings to capture everything on the scene today, but there are certain requirements for these methods.

The live broadcast can only be broadcast once and cannot exceed 15 minutes, otherwise too much content about the program will be leaked and the effect of the broadcast will be affected.

Taking pictures and recording videos is optional, but you must not post-process false information, nor report unverified content to guide the public opinion of netizens.

To put it simply, as long as they guarantee that everything they film is true, free from personal emotions and misleading, they can participate in the filming of today's program.

As soon as Yu Jinxiao came out with Yu Yuanyuan in his arms, the media people took photos and videos, but no one turned on the live broadcast yet.

After all, the official session hadn't started yet, so it would be too wasteful to use today's only live broadcast right at this time.

However, all members of the media kept a certain distance from the guests, as if deliberately keeping the best distance that would not affect the shooting of the show.

Yu Jinxiao looked at Xie Xin, expressing his doubts with his eyes.

Xie Xin smiled, his calm expression seemed to say "no problem".

"Why... so much money today!" Yu Yuanyuan was curious and a little bit scared, staring wide-eyed at the surrounding situation.

Yu Jinxiao didn't know how to explain it, all this was too complicated, so he could only pat Xiao Tangyuan on the head: "Those brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts are here to film you, and they will share your daily life in the show."

Baba said before that sharing the daily life is sharing the fast fall!
Then these brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts are all good at silver!

Yu Yuanyuan straightened her back suddenly, raised her claws and shook them towards the crowd of people. That cute and hesitant little action instantly captured everyone's hearts.

"Yeah, yeah, Yuanyuan is waving, Yuanyuan is waving!"

"Woo, I really want to squeeze Yuanyuan's hand."

"Yuanyuan! Yuanyuan looks at Jieli!"

Listening to the lively shouts, everyone's tone was very friendly, and everyone was smiling, which made Yu Zaizai giggle.

She obediently looked in the direction of the camera, smiled and waved her claws at them, smiling like a lucky cat.

Hearing the excited screams of the group of people behind him, Yu Jinxiao really doubted whether they still remembered his purpose of coming here to work?
At the gate of the orphanage, there are not only media workers, but also filming program staff.

Besides, Yu Jinxiao also saw a few familiar people.

They are all teachers in the orphanage.

There are also a few young people among them, like the staff who have just arrived, standing in place somewhat cautiously, but their eyes are shining with anticipation invariably.

"Mr. Li! Teacher Wang!" Yu Yuanyuan turned her head and saw an acquaintance watching her not far away, and shouted loudly and happily.

When Yu Zaizai shouted, the two teachers ran forward with red eyes, but slowed down suddenly when they got close to Yu Jinxiao.

(End of this chapter)

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