The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1053 Small Tangyuan, Great Contribution

Chapter 1053 Small Tangyuan, Great Contribution

Everyone knows that Yu Jinxiao is not a bad person.

But the aura on his body is like a natural drive to drive away the low frequency, making these ordinary people not dare to get close.

Yu Yuanyuan tried her best to move forward, stretching out her round claws to grab them.

Looking at the cute little hands in front of them, the two teachers grabbed one each: "Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, Teacher misses you so much."

"Yuanyuan also wants to~~~" The little guy laughed happily, and the teachers cried happily.

Yu Jinxiao was expressionless, looking down at the top of that little head.

she thinks?

She eats and sleeps every day, do you really think about it?This is an unsolved mystery.

Yu Jinxiao simply put the little cub on the ground, and Yu Yuanyuan immediately ran up, holding one leg with her little arm, whimpering and talking in a milky voice.

That cute little action caused those media people to take pictures.

In fact, they are also curious about why today's show was filmed here.

Is it just to whitewash Yu Jinxiao?
Although he hasn't been too dark lately, he deliberately arranged to shoot in such a special place, probably because he wanted to sell Yu Yuanyuan a wave of misfortune, and then make people love the house and Wu Wu will stop blackening himself.

The two teachers had a conversation with Yuanyuan, and then they all straightened up and stretched out their hands to Yu Jinxiao: "Mr. Yu, I never had the chance to thank you in person before!"


When the two teachers said this, all the media people were taken aback, and immediately raised the shooting tools in their hands.

"This gate can only be repaired by Mr. Yu," the burly teacher Wang was the first to cry, "After Mr. Yu adopted Yuanyuan, he has been donating money regularly every month to improve the changed everyone's living environment, the former orphanage..."

At this point, Teacher Wang was too excited to speak, and kept wiping away tears.

Yu Jinxiao is not a person who is easily moved, and is rarely moved by others.

Surrounded by so many people made him uncomfortable, especially being so directly expressed gratitude and gratitude, which made him so strange that he seemed to be accepting a new thing that had hardly appeared in his life.

Everyone in the media was shocked and looked at each other in blank dismay.

This matter has never been exposed before, and Yu Jinxiao will do good deeds?Still doing good deeds silently?

At some point, the cars of other dads and guests had already arrived.

Except for Qiu Ruitian, all the fathers arrived at about the same time.

As soon as they got out of the car, they heard what Teacher Wang said, and Ling Zi's father, who was full of emotion, wiped away his tears.

"I didn't expect Mr. Yu to be a good person. The rumors on the Internet... really can't be trusted," Ling Zi's father rubbed his eyes, his voice was trembling, "Some things need to be experienced by oneself to see the truth."

Yu Jinxiao suddenly shuddered.

Standing in front are two emotional teachers, and behind them are a few fathers who are also emotionally infected...

He is not used to this sudden sentimental atmosphere, especially when the main character is himself! ! !
"Ms. Wang, you still have biscuits?" While chatting, Yu Yuanyuan's voice broke the atmosphere at this time.

Teacher Wang was stunned, and wiped away tears: "Small biscuits? Yes! Of course!"

"Yuanyuan hasn't eaten for a long time, hehehe, sizzling." Yu Yuanyuan smiled happily, but her eyes looked shrewd.

is she stupidYou say she is stupid, but she still knows what to eat, and it is still in such a tactful way!
Everyone was amused by Yu Yuanyuan and burst into laughter, the atmosphere was finally not so depressing.

Yu Jinxiao secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Small glutinous rice balls make great contributions.

(End of this chapter)

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