The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1055 All Bought With Uncle Yu's Money

Chapter 1055 All Bought With Uncle Yu's Money
"It's Miaomiao~" Yu Yuanyuan held onto Su Zhirui, and went to Teacher Li, "Ms. Li~ Where is Miaomiao?"

Hearing the little guy asking himself, Teacher Li smiled mysteriously, and suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Kids, you can come out now!"

In the seemingly empty orphanage, except for the little guest, there was a rumbling sound suddenly.

The movement all came from the small building next to it.

Yu Jinxiao's brows began to twitch, why does this sound sound like the movement made by some ferocious beast when it comes out of the gate? ?

"Wow, wow, Uncle Yu is here—"

"Yuanyuan is back!"

"Yuanyuan, Uncle Yu!"

A group of chattering little friends swarmed out of the building, all dressed in clean and beautiful clothes, like small animals having fun, rushing over in an instant.

After the little friend went downstairs, two waves suddenly separated, half surrounded Yu Yuanyuan and half surrounded Yu Jinxiao.

"Uncle, uncle, it's the toy you bought last time," a familiar little boy Yu Jinxiao held up the Transformer in his hand, emphasizing excitedly, "It will sleep with me every night!"


The ups and downs of the voice made Yu Jinxiao's ears hurt a little.

Especially this kind of surrounded scene made him a little uncomfortable, without Gao Zhou's help to rescue him, even Yu Yuanyuan was already surrounded...

Mr. Yu, who has always been invincible, is a little at a loss now.

He doesn't know how to coax children, let alone chat with them, even talking to Yu Yuanyuan is extremely short of words.

The fathers behind couldn't help laughing.

Yu Jinxiao's back was full of a contrasting and cute look of helplessness.

They exchanged glances, and stepped forward to help Yu Jinxiao out of the siege: "Wow, kid, your toys are so cool!"

Among the adults present, except for Yu Jinxiao, all of them are good at coaxing babies.

"Miaomiao~~~" Yu Yuanyuan immediately found Ding Miaomiao and hugged her, "Yuanyuan misses you so much~~"

Ding Miaomiao was wearing a cute pink down jacket, white sweatpants, and her hair was tied into two cute little buns.

The children who were once dirty and dressed in tattered clothes are all dressed in clean and beautiful clothes today.

Every child's hair has been taken care of. It can be seen that everyone in the orphanage attaches great importance to today's program recording.

"Yuanyuan, I miss you so much too! Hiccup~" Ding Miaomiao smiled embarrassedly, "I just finished breakfast, I'm too full!"

"What kind of horse did Miao Miao eat for breakfast?"

"I ate eggs, milk and milk-flavored steamed buns!"

"Wow! It sounds delicious." Su Zhirui also opened her eyes wide in envy.

The fathers on this end helped Yu Jinxiao deal with the children, while the children on the other end were quietly approached by media workers.

The camera pointed at this innocent-looking little boy and continued to shoot: "Kids, did you prepare new clothes for today's shooting?"

This remark was beyond words, as if he suspected that Yu Jinxiao deliberately arranged everything in advance so that he could put on a show.

The child bit his finger in puzzlement: "Ah? I heard from Teacher Li that Uncle Yu gave a lot of money to the orphanage every month. The teacher bought us a lot of clothes! Very beautiful clothes!"

After finishing speaking, as if the big brother in front of him didn't believe it, the child grabbed the man holding the camera.

"Brother, do you want to take a look? My clothes are very beautiful! They are all bought with Uncle Yu's money!"

(End of this chapter)

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