The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1056 Why do you want to introduce this group of brats

Chapter 1056 Why do you want to introduce this group of brats

I don't know why, after the man heard the child's words, his eyes suddenly turned red, and he didn't even dare to look at his innocent and pure eyes.

He originally wanted to find some black history about Yu Jinxiao, but what the kid didn't care about was what he had. He only knew that he had clean clothes to wear, enough food to eat, and a comfortable place to live.

All of this was indeed resolved because of the funds that Yu Jinxiao had been providing.

In front of the child's innocence, his sinister intentions are like a garbage that is too dirty to put on the table.

"Hello everyone, you are Yuanyuan's good friend Ruirui~ You are also Yuanyuan's good friend Brother Sun Chengyu~ You are also Yuanyuan's good friend Brother Lingzi~~" Yu Yuanyuan was busy introducing her to her former friends in the orphanage Little guests, but when Qiu Yang arrived, her speaking speed suddenly slowed down, "It's..."

Qiu Yang puffed up his chest a long time ago, waiting for Yuan, who has superpowers, to introduce him as her friend.

After all, the other children are her friends, so he must be too... right?

Thinking of this, Qiu Yang felt a little unconfident.

"It's... Qiu Yang."

Yu Yuanyuan paused for a few moments, and finally introduced Qiu Yang's identity in the shortest way.

Even though her tone was not distasteful, Qiu Yang could still hear her differential treatment.

"Yu Yuanyuan, am I not your friend?" Qiu Yang wanted to prove her point of view.

He's been doing really well recently, why isn't he still Yu Yuanyuan's best friend? !
Qiu Yang seemed to have suffered the heaviest blow, his proud and straight back slowly hunched, and his whole body lost energy.

"Hello~ hello~"


The children greeted and shook hands with the good friends introduced by Yu Yuanyuan.

Even Qiu Yang's fierce face has received many other kindnesses.

It took only a second from disappointment to happiness, and Qiu Yang felt he was well again!
Yu Yuanyuan took time out of her busy schedule to look at Baba who was surrounded, and reminded loudly: "Baba~~~ I'll leave it to you!"

Yu Jinxiao: "?" Leave what to me?

"Yuanyuan introduced Yuanyuan's good friend to everyone," Yu Zaizai actually read the doubt in Baba's eyes, "Please Baba to introduce other uncles~"

Oh, it turned out to be handing in this...

and many more!

Yu Jinxiao felt his head hurt even more.

Let him introduce other dads to children? ?Why introduce this group of brats?
They can't remember at all!

Besides...he doesn't want to introduce it either!
But all the little Douding around him looked at him with expectant eyes, and glanced at those strange uncles from time to time, as if they were curious about who they were.

Yu Jinxiao felt that his head had never been so painful, as if he had been put in a difficult position, and he had to bite the bullet to respond to those pairs of pure eyes.

"This is...Uncle Sun." After a few seconds of mental preparation, Yu Jinxiao bit the bullet and started the introduction with a cold voice.

"Hello, Uncle Sun!" The children yelled loudly, one by one louder than the other, as if whoever was louder was the most polite.

"This is Uncle Ling."

"Hello, Uncle Ling!"

"This is... Uncle Su."

The kid paused: "Su Susu is good——"

What's wrong with this intonation that was suddenly turned into a cub voice? !
The children like the excitement very much. Seeing so many people come today, everyone is very happy and excited.

"Okay, today's game is about to start!" Xie Xin's voice suddenly interrupted the excitement.

ah?Are there any games?

Yu Jinxiao thought that since he arranged to come here, it was just a boring day of eating, drinking and playing.

(End of this chapter)

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