The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1058 This is Yuanyuan's father, Uncle Yu!

Chapter 1058 This is Yuanyuan's father, Uncle Yu!
"The shoelaces are loose~" Yu Yuanyuan stood upright in front of her, her eyes kept pointing to her little feet.

On the pair of small red leather shoes, there are two black laces that look like small earthworms.

When Yu Yuanyuan was the only one recording a show before, Aunt Chen would avoid wearing shoes with laces on her.

But today, with Yu Jinxiao, in order to look good on camera and not repeat the style, Aunt Chen and sister Bei boldly chose shoes with laces.

Yu Zaizai, who had never tied his shoelaces, stood there in a daze, as if waiting for Baba to save him.

Just now, Yu Jinxiao felt that she was being ignored by this little cub. She was busy playing with other children and reminiscing about the past, and it had been a long time since she yelled "Pu Ba, Pa Pa".

For some reason, there was a trace of loss in Yu Jinxiao's heart.

Xiao Douding, who has always been his follower, seems to have his own fun today.

Yu Jinxiao looked at those little eyes begging for help, and purposely knelt down to tie her shoelaces slowly.

The little foot was still trying to raise it up, as if worried that Yu Jinxiao would not be able to reach it, but ended up standing on one foot and swaying left and right.

Worried that Yu Yuanyuan's shoelaces would loosen again after running away, Yu Jinxiao simply increased his strength and pulled hard——

Yu Yuanyuan whispered: "Pu Ba, it's too tight, it hurts."

Yu Jinxiao loosened the shoelaces.

"It's a little loose, it will fall off."

"A little tight."

"A little loose."

Yu Yuanyuan chirped and quacked, as if she was looking for a balance point in some mysterious ritual.

Finally, Yu Jinxiao raised his head and stared, Xiao Zai Zai nodded obediently: "Okay, it's just right now~"

After tying his shoelaces, Yu Zaizai obediently returned to stand in line, waiting to announce the rules of the game.

The children in the orphanage usually like to play games when they have nothing to do. I heard that there will be many people playing together today, and everyone is very excited and happy.

Even when standing in the line and whispering to each other, there is a beautiful brilliance in every pair of eyes.

"Okay, now everyone is divided into two teams, the bear team and the rabbit team, please remember which team you are!" Xie Xin finished speaking, and then signaled several fathers and other adult guests to line up in two rows , separated by a little distance.

"Now let me introduce these uncles and brothers and sisters one by one for all the children!" Xie Xin smiled and came to the first Su Zhirui's father, and formally introduced his identity to the children. Even he was the host. introduced.

When the child heard it, he immediately showed envious and admiring eyes.

"This is brother Ling Zi's father, a composer."

At this time, a child raised his hand: "What does the composer mean?"

"The songs everyone listens to are written by someone, then recorded and released for everyone to listen to." Xie Xin patiently answered each child's question, "Uncle Su's job is to write the songs."

"Wow, so handsome!"

The child's praise made Su Zhirui's father, who was a little reserved, scratch his head in embarrassment and giggle.

"This is the father of little brother Sun Chengyu," Xie Xin raised his arm to signal, "he is..."

"I know, athletes! I've seen TV! I know!"

Some of the children rushed to answer excitedly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other children also started to commotion, and they all cast envious looks at Sun Chengyu's father.

"Ah, I'm sorry Uncle, I shouldn't have interrupted you." The kid had just finished getting excited, and suddenly remembered that Xie Xin had to stop because of his sudden interruption, and immediately apologized obediently.

Xie Xin smiled to indicate that it was okay, and then gestured to the last figure with a very different style - Yu Jinxiao.

This time, without waiting for his introduction, the children shouted in unison: "This is Yuanyuan's father, Uncle Yu!"

 Ten thousand updates from the 26th to the 31st!Hoo hoo~ The end of the month is starting to hit the rankings~
(End of this chapter)

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