The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1059 Are these kids quite discerning?

Chapter 1059 Are these kids quite discerning?

The children spoke in unison, shouting out with a particularly loud volume.

This kind of treatment made Yu Jinxiao's scalp tingle.

The feeling of being followed by such a large group of little Doudings is really overwhelming.

Just a small glutinous rice ball is not enough to deal with, and now there are so many little ghosts who are not familiar with each other, Yu Jinxiao feels that every minute and every second of staying in the orphanage is like suffering.

It's funny to say it.

Yu Jinxiao, who was not afraid of anything, actually felt an unprecedented sense of uneasiness in front of a group of brats.

Dealing with this group of brats is much more difficult than earning hundreds of millions.

"That's right, that's right, I believe everyone here knows Mr. Yu, now I'm going to introduce other adult guests..."

Just when Xie Xin turned around to introduce He Chen, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly stood outside and took away Xie Xin's job: "Jie is a delicious brother~~ is also a good friend of Yuanyuan!!"

"Brother delicious!" The little friends were completely distracted by Yu Yuanyuan's little milk voice.

He Chen smiled embarrassedly: "It's He Chen, not delicious food."

"Brother He Chen!"

Today's He Chen was a little surprised.

When he was on the phone with Xie Xin that day, it was the first time he heard Xie Xin give his opinion on his dress and makeup.

Xie Xin told He Chen not to put on heavy makeup today, it's better to lighten it as if he was resting at home, and do it as lightly and naturally as possible.

Although He Chen didn't understand why Xie Xin said that, but he knew that Xie Xin would never harm him.

When Qiu Ruitian put pressure on the people around him, those people all avoided him. Only Xie Xin took the initiative to contact him, saying that no matter what, he would not delete his scenes, and he would never compress his own recording. arrange.

Only when people are desperate can they see clearly whether the people around them are human or ghosts.

He Chen will never forget everyone who reached out to help him at that juncture.

"Well, Big Brother He Chen is so good-looking~" Some of the children discussed in a low voice.

"Yes yes yes."

He Chen, who was not far away, accidentally heard the praise, and his body straightened involuntarily, with a bit of pride that he had never felt before.

I didn't expect this group of children to be quite discerning.

"Why don't Yuanyuan introduce it to me." Xie Xin smiled and handed over the task of introduction to Yu Zaizai.

Suddenly given a task, Yu Yuanyuan stood up straight, pressed her shoulders down, walked up to Jin Man, and raised her fleshy claws to signal: "It's Jin Man's sister, Jin Man's sister is very good at hitting, she knows kung fu! "

"Wow!" The children were all excited when they heard about kung fu, "It's amazing!!"

The serious little boy went to the next one: "Jie is brother Xing Junqian, he is...he is also the main banner silver!"

Xie Xin held back his laughter and corrected the little milk's voice: "Host."

"Jie is brother Jian Yiran, he is also a very good actor!"

When He Chen heard this, he immediately fell from the joy of being praised for his beauty, and his bones were about to fall apart.

Why is it necessary to emphasize that Jian Yiran is a "very powerful actor" when introducing Jian Yiran, why not praise him as a "very powerful actor"? ? ?
Woohoo, He Chen suspected that he had completely lost the place in Xiao Zai Zai's heart in terms of acting skills.

"I've seen it, I've watched Brother Jian Yiran's TV series!"

"That's right, it's the one that Mr. Li watches on the TV every night, right?"


The kid is frying the pan again.

They have never seen so many celebrities in front of them.

"Xie Susu, Yuanyuan's introduction is over, what's next?" Yu Yuanyuan finished the task she gave, and walked to Xie Xin with her hands, waiting for the next instruction.

(End of this chapter)

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