The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1061 Today's Delicious Brother Seems Very Good-Looking

Chapter 1061 Today's Delicious Brother Seems Very Good-Looking

"Wow! Baba has sweets to eat!" Yu Yuanyuan exclaimed excitedly at the tail of the team.

Only she would be excited about this.

Obviously that candy looks very cheap, and some of it has melted away, ugly, just looking at it doesn't have much appetite.

But Yu Jinxiao felt his heart sink, as if he was suddenly suppressed by an invisible force, even breathing became a little uncomfortable.

Children are too simple, they feel very happy when they have candy.

He thought he could share this happiness with an adult.

"Why don't you eat it?" Yu Jinxiao didn't accept the candy, but threw back a question.

The little boy was stunned and thought for two seconds before answering: "I don't want to eat..."

"Why are you reluctant? Don't you have the money to buy it for you now?" Yu Jinxiao frowned. The moment he showed this appearance, the children were naturally a little scared.

Thinking that he had made Yu Jinxiao angry, the little boy timidly replied: "Yes, it's just...not willing to eat."

Yu Jinxiao probably knew why he was reluctant.

What was the situation in the orphanage before, he heard from Gao Zhou later.

Not to mention sugar, even the most difficult time to save a few mouthfuls of rice.

In order to make the children full, several teachers ate one meal a day and kept all the rest for the children.

Teacher Wang, who is tall and big, was so hungry that he almost fainted from hypoglycemia several times.

These children are used to the days when they have to save money, even if they don't need to save now, they will be reluctant to eat what they think is good.

For example, this candy.

"Give me the candy." Yu Jinxiao lowered his head, staring at the little guy.

The little boy was startled, his whole body shook, and the hand holding the candy suddenly trembled.

Yu Jinxiao's face was against the light from the little boy's angle, as if a black-faced god was about to crusade against him, especially the tone just now was a bit cold, it sounded scary.

Treating Yu Jinxiao's words as an order, the little boy hurriedly tore apart the candy wrapper, and put the candy into his mouth.

While eating the candy, the little boy said weakly, "Uncle Yu, I... I ate it."

Yu Jinxiao's brows stretched, and he nodded: "Well, after eating, I'll ask someone to buy it next time, don't leave it alone."

"Ah... yes!" Only then did the little boy realize that Yu Jinxiao's words came from good intentions.

It was obviously well intentioned, but his aura was too scary, as if he was murdering someone.

"Then is Uncle Yu in a better mood now?" Unexpectedly, the little boy was still thinking about his mood.

Yu Jinxiao had a headache and was forced to press his head: "Well, it's done."

"Great!" The little boy cheered happily.

Xie Xin counted the voting results while they were chatting.

No.1 is Yu Jinxiao, and No.2 is Sun Chengyu's father.

Immediately afterwards, they will vote in the second round——

Choose your favorite among the adult guests!

As soon as Xie Xin said to vote, Yu Zaizai ran away, grunting like a small ball, and vowed to win the first person who stood behind Brother Haoyu!
But she just ran over, one, two, three...

Oh!The positions were all occupied, and she was at the back again.

Little Qiuqiu stopped in front of He Chen in frustration, staring at the long team, feeling sad.

Hey, why is she lagging behind again!

Zai Zai is depressed.

"Is Yuanyuan going to choose me?" He Chen bent down and patted that dejected little head with a smile.

Yu Yuanyuan raised her head again——

He Chen was facing the sun, but his face was dazzled by the surrounding light in a very special way.

Yes, it is special.

Today's delicious brother seems to be very good-looking!
(End of this chapter)

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