The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1062 Participating in a tug of war in a suit and leather shoes

Chapter 1062 Participating in the tug-of-war in a suit and leather shoes
Just as the little guy was looking at her with a puzzled expression, He Chen had already picked her up.

After getting closer, Yu Yuanyuan suddenly realized: "Brother Haoyi didn't paint on his face today!"

When He Chen heard it, his temples tightened: "Yuanyuan, that's makeup, should keep your voice down."

Today, not only the program team is present, but also so many media people are present. They will not give up the opportunity to report because of a single sentence. Their sharp words will cause a new storm on the Internet if they are not careful.

But after hearing Yu Yuanyuan's words, they all burst into laughter.

"But today, Brother Haoyue didn't 'dirty', he looks really good!" Yu Yuanyuan's rainbow fart function went out of control again, "Knocking and knocking looks good, better than ever before!"

He Chen was a little embarrassed by the exaggeration, but he wanted to hear a few more words: "There is no such exaggeration."

"Yuanyuan is not exaggerating. Yuanyuan is telling the truth. Telling lies will result in a long nose," Yu Yuanyuan pointed her finger at the tip of her nose, emphasizing earnestly, "But Yuanyuan's nose has not become longer, which means Yuanyuan didn't lie!"

Ouch, this day's extravagant boasting made He Chen feel a little elated.

Yu Yuanyuan is used to being surrounded by all kinds of handsome guys, big and small. She must be very picky about people. If she can say she is good-looking, she must be very good.

The photographer who caught He Chen to take a picture was checking the effect of the photo just now.

A group of people got together and muttered to themselves: "I thought it was weird just now, why does He Chen look so comfortable today, so it's because he didn't put on those weird makeup!"

"I haven't worn any fancy clothes." The other person nodded in agreement.

The results of the voting came out soon, and He Chen had the most votes, followed by Jian Yiran.

Xie Xin invited the first and second place guests and his father in the two rounds of voting.

"Now, please draw your own team." Xie Xin asked for four cards and divided them into groups of two. "Let's see if the two are the Tutu team or the Bear team."

Of the two cards, Yu Jinxiao took one casually, and the other one belonged to Sun Chengyu's father.

Yu Jinxiao: "Bear."

Sun Chengyu's father: "Tutu team."

He Chen and Jian Yiran next door also had results.

He Chen was a little happy about the team he had drawn: "Long Xiong!"

Jian Yiran held up the card and showed it to the camera: "Team Bunny."

After Yu Jinxiao confirmed his team, he remembered to see what team Yu Yuanyuan was.

Just now, I was just watching them pinning each other's badges, and didn't pay attention to the patterns on the badges.

As soft and cute as she is, she should be able to draw a small and cute representative like a little rabbit, right?

"Wow, Yuanyuan, we are a team, that's great!" He Chen purposely leaned over to look at the badge on Yu Yuanyuan's body, squatted down and raised his arms to celebrate with her.

"Yeah!" Yu Yuanyuan had to jump up to give He Chen a high five.

Yu Jinxiao watched this scene calmly, as if he was not surprised at all.

According to Xiaotangyuan's thinking, she definitely wanted to be in the same group as him. She always thought about what she wanted. When did she ever lose in such a lucky thing?
Xie Xin looked at this group of confused people, and finally announced the gameplay of today's game——

"Tug of War!"

What?tug of war? ?
Yu Jinxiao felt that not only his temples were throbbing, but his whole head felt a little uncomfortable.

Let him participate in the tug-of-war in a suit and leather shoes?Are you kidding me? ?
(End of this chapter)

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