The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1067 So Handsome 1B

Chapter 1067
"Run! Look for eagle stickers!" Yu Yuanyuan ran, her voice trembling into a string.

As "Eagle", Xing Junqian and Ling Zi's father are a little confused.

what happened?

Did the "chicken" still come out automatically to give away the head?
Yu Jinxiao knew at a glance that the little glutinous rice balls were wrong!
She thought that the "Eagle and Chicken" game was still the same as last time. You needed to find stickers to catch people, but this time the Eagle and Chicken was the most traditional way of playing. Once you leave the team, you will be the target of the single.

Xing Junqian reacted the fastest, and immediately went to catch Yu Yuanyuan with a smirk.

The little guy instinctively turned his head to take a look, and seeing the somewhat scary expression because of excitement, he was so scared that he screamed "Yeah!" and ran around.

Although Yu Yuanyuan couldn't figure out why she ran, but when someone was chasing her, she instinctively wanted to run away.

Yu Yuanyuan looked like she couldn't run fast with her short legs, but her movements were strangely agile, and she deliberately walked around the obstacle in a snake shape. Xing Junqian chased after it for a long time but failed to catch the little Douding.

"Ahhhhh~" Yu Yuanyuan yelled as she ran, as if she could use her escape skills in this way.

Just when Yu Yuanyuan's hat was about to be caught, a big hand stretched across, holding Yu Yuanyuan into his arms with one hand, like holding a small pillow.

The short legs were still in the air with inertia, and the body was shaped under Yu Jinxiao's strong arms.

Seeing Yu Jinxiao coming to protect the cub, Xing Junqian swallowed uncomfortably, and simply turned to catch other children.

He Chen alone could prevent the capture of Ling Zi's father in front, but without Yu Jinxiao in the back, he was completely exposed to Xing Junqian's hunt.

Yu Yuanyuan is not easy to catch, if it were another child...

Just as he was smirking and grabbing the kid with the dangling tail, a black suit corner flew in the air and suddenly broke into his sight.

Xie Jianshi's arm blocked Xing Junqian's hand, and moved the child who was almost caught to a safe place.

"Damn it... is this really an eagle catching a chick? How handsome!!!" The crowd of onlookers murmured in shock.

"Just being handsome on purpose doesn't have the effect of being so handsome, damn it!"

Yu Jinxiao ignored all the exclamations around him, and concentrated on the tension of the game.

He put the captured Yu Yuanyuan back into the team, and patted her on the head with his hand: "This eagle must catch the companion in front of it to catch the chick. If you are caught by these two eagles, you will be eliminated!"

While running, Yu Yuanyuan didn't forget to protest: "But Yuanyuan didn't play Jiangzi last time!"

"I don't know what you played last time, but this time it's the rule, you are not allowed to let go, avoid those two eagles." At such a tense moment, Yu Jinxiao didn't have time to explain too much to Xiao Tangyuan.

"Okay." Yu Zaizai originally thought that she had the upper hand, and after jumping on the verge of winning or losing, she honestly played the game according to Yu Jinxiao's words.

It has to be said that Yu Jinxiao's arms and legs are very long, which is the same as the concerns of their "eagles".

Even if the little friends of the Bears were swinging around, they were still well protected head to tail. After 10 minutes, not a single kid was caught.

Switching to the next team, the Tutu team, the three "eagles" killed indiscriminately, and soon caught 3 children. At the end, they caught 7 children in total.

"Baba, the eagle is too ruthless!" Yu Yuanyuan hugged the mineral water bottle in shock, "Eating so many chickens will burst the eagle's belly!"

(End of this chapter)

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