The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1068 Let Dad Eat Full

Chapter 1068 Let Dad Eat Full
Yu Jinxiao lowered his eyes calmly.

Do you know how to break your belly?

Don't look at how much you eat, and laugh at others?
Besides, this is just a game, and it's not a real food for children. She really eats so much food!

"Everyone... lunch is ready!" Mr. Li said with a smile, suddenly thinking of the camera, and lowered the volume embarrassingly, "Sorry, haven't you finished recording yet?"

Xie Xin smiled and said: "It's okay, we didn't come here today to put on a show, just be natural."

"Lunch is ready, everyone, come quickly, don't be too cold in the cold weather." Teacher Li led everyone to the newly repaired cafeteria.

As soon as she stepped into the door, Yu Yuanyuan raised her paw and sighed excitedly: "The broken wood is gone! Wow, there is no broken stone in the corner, wow, wow, the wall has become beautiful!"

This place has a new look, completely different from what Yu Yuanyuan remembered.

After listening to Yu Yuanyuan's words, Teacher Li smiled and squatted down to touch her head: "It's because of the money allocated by Yuanyuan's father that this place can be so beautiful~"

"Karma?" Yu Yuanyuan scratched his head in doubt, "Is Bo Kuan a magic horse?"

"It's just the money." Teacher Li was amused by Yu Yuanyuan's words.

"Dad paid for the repair?" Yu Yuanyuan shook her head and asked excitedly, "Why did Dad pay for the repair?"

A little friend's world is simple, she just wants an answer to a curious question.

But when it came to Yu Jinxiao's place, the answer to this question was really embarrassing.

It is not disgraceful to do good deeds, but it always makes people feel very uncomfortable to put it on the table.

He was probably still used to being feared and feared.

With all the bustle and bustle right now, and being stared at by so many friendly and grateful eyes, the whole world has become a little strange.

"I can fix it if I want to." Yu Jinxiao was quiet for a long time, and finally choked out an answer.

What's the matter with this little dumpling? ?
A good little padded jacket is not suitable, and you want to become a thimble again, right?

So many people were filming, and they asked him this question on purpose!
"Baba helped everyone, and Baba did a good deed!" But at this time, Yu Yuanyuan's voice was so loud that Yu Jinxiao couldn't stop her.

The loud voice floated everywhere, and the people nearby probably heard it.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, if you slow down, you won't have your meal." Yu Jinxiao quickly found an excuse to make Yu Yuanyuan quiet.

Unexpectedly, she actually took the dinner plate by herself, chirping and croaking, "Baba has done a good deed, Yuanyuan will make rice and vegetables for Baba so that Dad can be full!"

The orphanage can only prepare a limited amount of things, so it is impossible to be more luxurious and rich, but at least it is clean and hygienic.

It's just that Yu Jinxiao has never been in contact with this kind of operation of carrying a plate and waiting for others to serve food, and he even doesn't know how to operate it.

Now that Xiao Zai Zai volunteered to help him, it helped him a lot.

Yu Yuanyuan has lived here before and knows the way of life here very well.

The uncle in the cafeteria was the one Yu Yuanyuan knew. She raised the tray in her hand and said excitedly: "Shusu, can I ask for more? ~~~"

"Okay, no problem!"

The big benefactor of the orphanage came to eat for the first time, how could he be hungry?
In Yu Jinxiao's gradually enlarged pupils, the dinner plate gradually turned into a hill was reflected.

Wait, that thing isn't for him, is it?
(End of this chapter)

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