The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1069 This is not my appetite

Chapter 1069 This is not my appetite

"Yu Yuanyuan..." Yu Jinxiao wanted to stop him, but it was already a step too late.

The uncle in the cafeteria scooped up a large spoonful of each dish, and even covered three large spoonfuls of rice, which might not be enough for three people to eat.

Yu Yuanyuan held up the dinner plate very satisfied, and tried to walk back: "Pu Ba~ let's eat!"

At that moment, Yu Jinxiao felt his stomach hurt a little.

If he really ate up all these things, he would definitely die of hunger; if he didn't, he would definitely be scolded for wasting food under the camera.

Yu Jinxiao, who is deep in the way of netizens' swearing, can even automatically make up what those people would say.

Maybe at that time, Yu Yuanyuan will be brought together, and Yu Yuanyuan will get the food.

"What are you doing with so much?" Yu Jinxiao squatted down, gritted his teeth, and asked in a low voice.

Yu Yuanyuan's small face was confused: "But Baba is so tall, he should eat a lot~"

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Then I am also a human being, not a monster, so I can't eat so much!
Now that the meal is over, Yu Jinxiao knows that it is useless to say anything.

He took the plate and found a corner to sit down, staring at the hill-like food and lost in thought.

These things have nothing to do with delicacy, and are completely different from the food he usually eats. In his eyes, they can only be regarded as hanging things.

But the group of children around them all ate very happily, as if they were delicacies from mountains and seas, and there were satisfied smiles on every little face.

Friends who are not full can still add food, so they don’t have to be as hungry as before.

Sun Chengyu's father also prepared the meal, and deliberately sat opposite Yu Jinxiao: "Mr. Yu, I really admire you."

"No, it's not my appetite..." Yu Jinxiao immediately denied it with a cold face and raising his hand.

Sun Chengyu's father was taken aback, and couldn't help laughing: "I don't mean food intake, it's your help here. I heard my little friend talk about a lot of things in the past, and looking at the changes now... I'm really touched."

It's okay, don't be moved, the two words he fears most are "moved".

Looking at the huge pile of food in front of him, Yu Jinxiao didn't dare to move at all.

Yu Yuanyuan came back with her plate in her arms, and it was also a huge pile, wanting to put it on the table.

But her hands are too short, and when she lifts them up...

The oil on the plate began to flow to her heart.

Yu Jinxiao had quick hands and eyes, and immediately took it and put it on the table for her.

The little guy happily climbed up on the chair and sat down, raised the spoon in his hand: "Baba, why don't you eat it? It will be cold!"

How could he finish eating so many things! ! !
Sun Chengyu's father just took two bites. He seemed to have misunderstood that Yu Jinxiao disliked the food here, and tried to persuade him: "Mr. Yu, the taste is quite good, and I saw it just now, it is clean and hygienic."

Yu Jinxiao: "..." Forget it, I don't want to explain, the feeling will get darker and darker.

Yu Yuanyuan took the spoon and began to eat.

All around is the sound of eating and drinking.

He Chen's dinner plate was empty, only filled with something he could eat, turned his head, oh well, Sun Chengyu's father and Sun Chengyu were already sitting opposite Yu Yuanyuan and Yu Jinxiao, and there was no place for him.

He Chen, who was forced to eat alone, found a corner and sat down with the plate.

Everyone ate deliciously, only Yu Jinxiao's movements were very elegant, as if he was savoring the delicious food, chewing and swallowing in small bites, just watching him eat was a kind of enjoyment.

"It's easy to deceive, easy to deceive." In contrast, Yu Yuanyuan next door seemed a little exaggerated.

(End of this chapter)

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