The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1085 Every leaf has a name written on it

Chapter 1085 Every leaf has a name written on it

Not only was she in the photo, it was also Yu Jinxiao, who was photographed by He Chen during the fight just now.

He Chen immediately sent another emoji, which was a bear emoji raising his hand to his mouth, signaling "shh".

Yu Yuanyuan can't read words, but she can understand emoticons.

It's because Brother Haoyao wanted her to keep it a secret!

Yu Yuanyuan smirked "hehe", saved the photo in her phone, and pretended nothing happened.

When Ba Ba and Brother Hao Hao came out after changing their clothes, Xiao Zai Zai immediately looked at He Chen, and welcomed the hint of winking from the other side.

Yu Yuanyuan didn't speak, and waited until Baba took a few steps forward before she followed He Chen and said, "Thank you, brother delicious~~"

He Chen patted his heart with his fist, with a serious expression on his face: "It's a small thing."

"What's the point?" Yu Jinxiao, who had gone far away, suddenly turned back at some point, causing He Chen's heart to jump in fright.

"'s nothing." He Chen hesitated, obviously lying.

The frightened little Zaizai also stood there, his eyes widened, and he forgot to blink: "No... no god!"

Yu Jinxiao knew what the big and small were doing without asking, it must be a photo.

He was just teasing Yu Yuanyuan just now, when He Chen took pictures of him, Yu Jinxiao knew that he would definitely send it to Yu Yuanyuan.

After filming the final ending, today's recording is completely over.

But after the recording ended, the children suddenly appeared with a lot of things.

Those are simple handicrafts made by themselves, including origami ponies, small flowers, and some simple key chain pendants.

They first gave gifts to other guests and media workers who were present today, and finally Ding Miaomiao appeared with a special gift.

It was a big tree made of plastic, and it was specially colored after sticking white paper, but this tree is a bit special.

Its leaves are all hanging down one by one, and many small green leaves are densely hung on it.

Moreover, each leaf has a name written on it.

Ding Miaomiao was surrounded by other children, and they accompanied Ding Miaomiao to hold the big tree ornament in front of Yu Jinxiao.

"Uncle Yu, this is a gift made by everyone, and I want to give it to you." Ding Miaomiao tried to lift it up, probably because she held it for too long, and her little hands were a little sore.

The trembling arms were trying to stabilize the tray, and Ding Miaomiao's little face was almost frozen from smiling.

The eyes of the children are very sincere, and it can be seen that this is a gift that they care about, and everyone should contribute.

Yu Jinxiao lifted the tray with his palm to help Ding Miaomiao.

The weight is not light, and the workmanship is a bit rough when you look closely, but considering that these are made by the children themselves, it is already very good.

On each side of the leaves above was written a person's name, Yu Jinxiao glanced casually and saw "Ding Miaomiao" written on one of them.

"Uncle Yu, we did this ourselves."

"It's been a long time, almost a week!"

"Zhouzhou accidentally cut his finger."

Everyone scrambled to ask him for credit, talking about their own efforts, and those bright eyes were a little different from before.

In the past, this group of children could not eat enough, clothe themselves warmly and sleep well. Their eyes had the same primitive aggressiveness and dullness as small animals.

But now they are like little grasses favored by the sun, gentle and full of vitality.

"Puaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa thanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa than

(End of this chapter)

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