The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1086 Remember to Transfer Money Afterwards

Chapter 1086 Remember to Transfer Money Afterwards
Rejection is definitely not to be rejected, this is the heart of the children.

In front of this group of little devils, those eyes filled with anticipation were like a cluster of flames burning, no matter how cold-blooded Yu Jinxiao was, he couldn't bear to blow it out.

"Well, thank you," after Yu Jinxiao finished speaking, the air was silent for a few seconds, as if he thought it was too simple to say so, he was forced to add, "Thank you everyone."

If it were someone else, there would definitely be touching scenes that moved the children to tears and hugged them.

But this is Yu Jinxiao, this style of painting will never appear on him.

"Uncle Yu, can you keep it well?" the children suddenly asked, "We all made wishes when we wrote our names, I hope it can bless Uncle Yu!"

Pairs of sincere small eyes squeezed in front of him, looking at him expectantly.

Yu Jinxiao was so watched that his heart was touched suddenly, and he nodded: "Well, I will put it away and keep it well."

With his guarantee, the children were very happy, holding hands and jumping excitedly on the spot.

Yu Yuanyuan looked at the big tree enviously.

She likes to do handicrafts very much, and she also knows that it takes a lot of effort to make such a big tree. A gift is really beautiful for my wife!
It's a pity that she doesn't have any gifts, hey.

"Yuanyuan!" Ding Miaomiao squeezed out from the crowd and grabbed Yu Yuanyuan's hand, "I have something for you!"

Ding Miaomiao took out the back of the jacket, grabbed out a card that she drew, and put it in Yu Yuanyuan's palm.

"This one is for you!"

Yu Yuanyuan was so excited that her claws didn't know how to let go: "Wow!!!"

There were two little girls drawn on the card, and they were Ding Miaomiao and Yu Yuanyuan just by looking at their hairstyle and features.

After opening, a heart was drawn inside, and a few words were written in the heart.

"Miaomiao & Yuanyuan, good friends forever!"

"Thank you Miaomiao!" Yu Yuanyuan hugged Ding Miaomiao excitedly, and suddenly cried out in surprise, "Ah, Yuanyuan didn't know that she was going to come to Jieli, and she didn't prepare a gift!!"

Ding Miao smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "It's all right!"

The more Yu Yuanyuan thought about it, the more depressed she became, she grabbed Yu Jinxiao's clothes and said, "Baba—you didn't even tell Yuanyuan if you want to go back to the introduction, Yuanyuan didn't prepare a gift!"

"Aren't you ready?" Yu Jinxiao suddenly said without thinking.

These words stunned the little boy who was not very bright: "Karma?"

A black car was parked outside the orphanage. After a few men in black got out of the car, they suddenly took out a lot of delicious food and big and small boxes and walked towards the orphanage.

Those boxes were all written with names, including the names of the guests and the names of the fathers.

At the beginning, everyone was a little confused, thinking that it was prepared by the program group.

He Chen was the first to react: "Mr. Yu helped us prepare it!"

When the fathers heard this, they all cast moving gazes at Yu Jinxiao.

Yu Jinxiao: "Remember to transfer the money afterwards."

"Okay, no problem." Sun Chengyu's father smiled and patted Yu Jinxiao on the shoulder.

At that moment, the last gap between the boundaries disappeared.

Yu Jinxiao was kept a secret from the whole process, and he didn't know Xie Xin's arrangement until he came to the orphanage. He sent a text message and arranged everything, but it might not be so smooth if it was someone else.

He not only prepared gifts in the name of himself and Yu Yuanyuan, but also prepared gifts in the names of other guests and fathers.

Among a large pile of gift boxes, Yu Jinxiao found out that special little box and handed it to Yu Yuanyuan, and gently pushed her shoulder, motioning her to give a gift.

Holding the gift, Yu Yuanyuan stared blankly: "Baba, Yuanyuan can't read, what kind of duck is Jie?"

(End of this chapter)

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