The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1102 The reflex arc is too long

Chapter 1102 The reflex arc is too long

The other party's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he kept trembling with his fingers raised: "It's you! Don't deny it!"

When Qiu Ruitian heard this, he stepped forward emotionally and twisted the man's collar: "What evidence do you have?"

"You used your account to send money to the president! You are stupid!" The man's situation was not much better, but his tone was not cowardly at all, as if he was an envoy of justice.

"Okay, throw him out, and you will deal with the rest."

With a wave of Yu Jinxiao's hand, the man in black immediately pushed the yelling man down.

When Qiu Ruitian saw this, the fear in his heart increased instead of diminishing: "You...what do you want to do?"

"I know you put a lot of thought into this movie," Yu Jinxiao looked at him with a half-smile, "If this movie can't be released again, how much will you lose?"

"You...don't scare me!" Qiu Ruitian trembled all over, he has his own contacts, can Yu Jinxiao really get this serious?

Yu Jinxiao leaned back: "Why don't you give it a try? I also want to know if I can scare you."

Zooming in, the imposing Yu Jinxiao had a small ball hanging on his body.

Yu Yuanyuan seemed to regard him as a climbing toy, crawling around on his shoulders, stomach, and arms.

Probably because listening to adults talking here is too boring, Yu Zaizai also wants to find some entertainment.

"Yu Yuanyuan, don't crawl around, sit down."

After Yu Jinxiao gave an order, Xiao Zai Zai sighed and sat back obediently.

The room, which was still overflowing with murderous aura, suddenly had a gentle scent of milk to neutralize the horror.

If Yu Jinxiao hadn't revealed his reasons, Qiu Ruitian might not have the thought of confessing.

But he knew what kind of person Yu Jinxiao was, he would avenge every revenge, and fighting against him would not end well.

Especially for this movie, he has invested a lot of experience, whether it is the script, production, or investors, he has put in a lot of effort, and he has invested a lot in order to make a lot of money from this movie.

Qiu Ruitian is very confident in this movie.

But right at the door, something like this happened, Yu Jinxiao seemed to be sitting on the sofa without moving, but he had already pinched his own lifeline.

Quickly summed it up in his heart, Qiu Ruitian gritted his teeth and lowered his head: "Other things can be discussed, but I must declare that I never had anyone shoot that video! I've been busy with movies recently and I don't have time to do so. If you have time to do this, if you don't believe me, you can go and understand my process, I even pushed the recording of the show!"

"Ah! Qiu Susu, you didn't come to record the program!" Yu Yuanyuan, who had a very long reflection arc, remembered that she hadn't seen Qiu Ruitian during the previous recording.

This exclamation made Qiu Ruitian feel annoyed. Is this a deliberate mockery of his inconspicuousness? ?

"Why didn't you come to record the show!" Yu Yuanyuan asked again.

Qiu Ruitian has been talking to Yu Jinxiao, and he didn't intend to answer Yu Yuanyuan at first, but... the man behind her had a gloomy face, and his eyes were dark, as if he could swallow people up with his eyes.

Those eyes were clearly urging him to answer quickly!
Qiu Ruitian licked his lips, and said anxiously: "I'm making a movie, I'm very busy, so I don't have time to come."

"Jiang Zi," Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and suddenly rolled back in Yu Jinxiao's arms, "But everyone's pulling out came, Qiu Yang is a little lonely alone."

Yu Jinxiao looked down at that little head.

At this time, she still has the mood to care about others? !
For some unknown reason, Qiu Ruitian was shocked, and looked away nervously: "Mr. Yu... nothing to do with me, nor my child or wife. Please don't hurt innocent people."

Qiu Ruitian, who was arrogant before, has become like a prodigal dog.

(End of this chapter)

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