The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1103 The person who pulls out the cake, speak clearly at 1 point!

Chapter 1103 The person who pulls out the cake, speak clearly!

"Huh? Hurt... hurt Qiu Yang?" Yu Yuanyuan raised her head in shock, her round eyes looked at Yu Jinxiao, as if she couldn't believe it.

Yu Jinxiao raised his hand to press the little head.

Things that she should know, she doesn't understand at all, and things she shouldn't know, she understands right away.

Although that Qiu Yang used to be very annoying, but recently...Yu Yuanyuan thinks that he doesn't seem to be so annoying.

He seemed to be a "good boy" as promised, and Yu Yuanyuan was very satisfied with his performance.

Now that he is not so annoying anymore, Yu Yuanyuan still can't bear to think that he will be "hurt".

"I never said that," Yu Jinxiao glanced at the little head, "I never said I would hurt Qiu Yang."

"Then...then... Baba and Yuanyuan pull Gougou!" The villain sitting in his arms tried to turn around and raised her little round hand.

As long as you look carefully, you will find that the round hand still has a cute little finger.

Yu Jinxiao sighed, hooked that finger: "Are you ready?"

"Okay." Yu Yuanyuan nodded, and then continued to lie in Baba's arms with peace of mind and satisfaction, and little claws began to play with the buttons on his clothes.

"For Yu Yuanyuan's sake, I won't deal with irrelevant people," Yu Jinxiao's words gave Qiu Ruitian a dose of reassurance, "However, you should still know something special."

Qiu Ruitian suddenly thought of something, and there was a bang in his head.

Could it be... Could it be that the previous incident has something to do with this one?
Seeing his expression, Yu Jinxiao knew that he had found useful information in his words.

He didn't urge Qiu Ruitian to express his opinion immediately, as if deliberately leaving time for consideration, the longer he considered, the more he could shake Qiu Ruitian's defense.

After thinking for a long time, Qiu Ruitian looked up at Yu Yuanyuan, the light in his eyes revealed his hesitation to speak.

Yu Jinxiao signaled him to continue talking without worrying about Yu Yuanyuan: "Her head can't understand."

"Okay...okay," Qiu Ruitian actually erased a lot of tension because of this sentence, "Actually, before that, Wu Zhaoyan... was the male protagonist of my movie, and he learned about the unpleasant things we had before. , said that he has a way to help me out, he does know a lot of media people, and many people in the circle will sell his face, and we have a private deal together, I think he really has some connections, so I will leave it to He went to deal with it."

"and then?"

"And that's it..." Qiu Ruitian spread his hands, with an expression of wanting to cry, "I don't know if he arranged this matter, I knew he was looking for promotional entertainment... I... I might as well go out on my own, so there's no need for him to come up with such a bad idea!"

After the words fell, Qiu Ruitian realized that he had said something wrong, and immediately shrank his neck and quietly looked at Yu Jinxiao's reaction.

"Wu Zhaoyan..." Yu Jinxiao has no impression of this person, but no impression does not mean that the forces behind him have nothing to do with him.

That's right, Yu Jinxiao suspected that the whole thing was deliberately arranged by someone, but through the matter of Wu Zhaoyan or Qiu Ruitian, he took the opportunity to blur his vision and passed the matter on to them.

However, if it is necessary to investigate, it should not be impossible. Maybe Wu Zhaoyan can find some clues.

"It's hot looking for shit fish again!" Yu Zaizai grasped a key word in the words, and didn't understand anything else, "Can't it look for papa well? Why does it always do bad things and be wronged!"

Those who pull out the papa, speak clearly!

Yu Jinxiao's head was aching.

(End of this chapter)

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