The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1104 Suspected to be your daughter's child

"Mr. Yu...I've said everything I know, really!" Qiu Ruitian completely lost his previous arrogance, standing in a corner beside him like a broken balloon.

He was afraid that Yu Jinxiao would ignore him, and he was also afraid that Yu Jinxiao would pay too much attention, it seemed that it would make him feel uneasy no matter what.

"Let's go." Yu Jinxiao waved his hand, and He Shuxuan immediately stepped forward to lead him out of the room.

Only Yu Jinxiao, Gao Zhou and two bodyguards in black were left in the room.

After waiting for a while, Gao Zhou asked, "Mr. Yu, is what he said true?"

"He doesn't seem to be lying, but you still can't take it lightly. You should check it first, and don't let go of any suspicious details."


After dealing with Qiu Ruitian's matter, Yu Jinxiao originally wanted to go to the company, but this little Douding seemed to be stuck on him today, so he refused to stay at home obediently.

Anyway, there is nothing important to deal with today, so Yu Jinxiao simply went home to accompany this little glutinous rice ball.

As soon as he heard that Baba wanted to play with him, Yu Zaizai immediately brought out his favorite toys and picture albums, and invited Baba to play with him.

Looking at the pile of children's playthings, Yu Jinxiao expressed that he was not interested at all.

But seeing that little Douding is so happy, it's not impossible to deal with her.

It took Gao Zhou almost three days to get the results of the investigation.

This matter involved too many people and links. In order not to startle the enemy, Gao Zhou dug deep into any small details that might be problematic.

That Wu Zhaoyan didn't have any major problems, it was indeed him who took the initiative to find him for publicity and entertainment.

After the matter was negotiated, Qiu Ruitian transferred the money to that person and waited for the matter to ferment.

Didn't expect it to end up like this.

Just before the incident, Wu Zhaoyan had a special call in his call records, and he chatted with him for about 20 minutes, but the other party's number was not registered, so his identity could not be confirmed.

However, it is certain that the signal is in Jiangcheng.

Gao Zhou was not sure whether this was related to this incident, so he sent the information he found to Yu Jinxiao.

"Where is the location?" Yu Jinxiao also noticed something wrong with that number.

"In a large high-end apartment complex, there are at least a thousand people living in it."

"Is there any owner who may have a problem?"

Gao Zhou paused on the phone for two seconds before replying, "I'm looking into this, there are too many people, it will take a while."

"Well, as soon as possible." Yu Jinxiao didn't urge, and was about to hang up the phone when an unfamiliar number called.

In the past, Yu Jinxiao would never answer calls from unfamiliar numbers, but too many things happened recently, his curiosity drove him to click "connect".

"Mr. Yu, hello!" There was a gentle female voice on the phone, "We are the Jiangcheng Police Department. You reported that your youngest daughter was kidnapped three years ago and her whereabouts were unknown. Your daughter's little friend."

After that, Yu Jinxiao could no longer hear clearly, and his brain kept echoing the news that suddenly broke into his life.

Probably already gradually wanting to accept the reality, and suddenly ushered in such a big change, it made it difficult for Yu Jinxiao to express any emotions at once.

After hanging up the phone, he rushed directly to Jiangcheng Police Station.

Sitting on a chair in the police station was a little girl with ragged and dirty clothes.

Her figure is about the same as Yu Yuanyuan's, and her height is also about the same. She looks to be about three years old.

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