The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1105 Is it really his daughter?

Chapter 1105 Is it really his daughter?

Yu Jinxiao didn't even have time to notify Gao Zhou, so he rushed over alone.

The female police officer who called before saw that he had arrived, so she didn't take him to talk to the children right away: "It's the little girl sitting over there. She said that she was accompanying her family to see a doctor, but she got lost accidentally and didn't have anything. I know, I don’t know where I live, I don’t know the phone number, I don’t even know the names of my family members, we can only find out if there is any corresponding information through DNA comparison, but I didn’t expect..."

"Are you sure?" Yu Jinxiao couldn't easily believe this sudden happiness.

After so many years, is this little child really his daughter?
For some reason, when he saw that little figure, he felt more doubt and uncertainty in his heart, and he was not as happy as he imagined.

"I still need to do another comparison, Mr. Yu, come with me."

After taking him to the room to take samples, he specially took samples from the little girl in front of Yu Jinxiao.

The little figure was very cooperative throughout the whole process, looking timidly at the strangers around him, as if he was very scared.

"Chen Qing, someone called and said that the child is missing." Another police officer raised his hand to signal, "The characteristics he said... are exactly the same as that little girl."

While saying these words, his eyes kept looking at the little girl sitting on the chair.

The female police officer said just now that this little girl was separated from her family, and Xiaobao was only 3 months old when she disappeared. It must be no surprise that she has grown to such a big size. Could it be that someone rescued her?

Yu Jinxiao decided to wait at the police station until that person appeared.

Half an hour later, a man showed up at the police station with a limp. When he saw the little girl sitting on the chair, he smiled nervously: "Xiaobao, are you okay?"

"Father—" the little girl jumped up from the chair and threw herself at the man's feet, "I'm fine!"

The little girl who had been timid finally laughed happily.


This man is her father?

Almost instantly, the man noticed a sharp gaze from the opposite side, he raised his head, and met Yu Jinxiao's undisguised observation eyes.

Is this child... really his daughter?
The female police officer who called Yu Jinxiao stepped forward and said a few words to the man. The man nodded and followed him to a small room beside him.

About ten minutes later, another policeman invited Yu Jinxiao in.

There was only the man in the room, and the little girl named Xiaobao was sitting on a chair outside in a daze.

The man's eyes lost the light just now, and he looked very weak. Only the movement of Yu Jinxiao entering the room caught his attention.

"I've already told this Mr. Wang," the policeman motioned Yu Jinxiao to sit down, "he also told about the situation when Xiaobao was picked up, and it is true... the place where Xiaobao was picked up was Mr. Yu's salvage. downstream of the basin."

"But, we have been searching for a long time, why..." Yu Jinxiao's words stopped abruptly.

Why did someone else pick her up?

And why didn't they call the police?
"According to what Mr. Wang said, it should be that before the salvage team arrived, he picked up Xiaobao. Xiaobao was put in a plastic basin. He thought that someone didn't want this child anymore, so he kept her as a treasure. take care of my daughter."

Yu Jinxiao's hands were clenched into fists, his canthus was about to burst, and his eyes were bloodshot.

(End of this chapter)

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