The villain's group pet cute cub

Chapter 1113 Going to see that little treasure friend?

Chapter 1113 Going to see that little treasure friend?

Shen Ji grabbed the corner of his clothes in embarrassment: "I'm just guessing, Mr. Yu, please rest assured, I will never reveal a word to others."

"I believe you."

Yu Jinxiao never trusts people easily, but at this moment, his intuition tells him that Shen Ji is a trustworthy person.

This kind of trust is not enough to gain Yu Jinxiao's trust just by relying on an expression or a seemingly sincere word.

It's that Yu Jinxiao is willing to trust him at this special juncture because of every little thing that has happened for so long.

"If there is nothing else, I'll go back first." Shen Ji got up and walked to the door, stopped suddenly, then turned around and said, "If there is anything that needs my help, Mr. Yu can tell me."

Yu Jinxiao nodded, and did not look down on him because the person who said these words was an 11-year-old boy friend.

Only 11 years old can have such observation skills, if he grows up...

Definitely a very difficult character to play.

Fortunately, he and Shen Ji are not enemies, at least not for now.

Shen Ji packed up his phone and was about to go downstairs when he saw Aunt Chen holding Xiaobao who had bathed and changed and was about to enter the room.

It turned out that Xiaobao's room did not have a bathroom.

Shen Ji carefully recalled a series of details. He suspected that the arrangement of this room was part of Yu Jinxiao's plan.

If you want to spy on someone, it's best to keep her under your nose.

The messy room just now seemed to have returned to normal, but... there was an extra strange man in casual clothes in the room.

But Shen Ji didn't stay long and left the villa immediately.

The moment he stepped out of the villa, his frowning brows suddenly relaxed, as if he didn't know anything, nothing happened, he just came in, took a mobile phone and left.

Inside the villa.

After taking a bath, Xiao Bao looked much more relaxed than when he first arrived.

"Xiaobao, this brother wants to do a simple examination for you, don't be afraid." Yu Jinxiao comforted her with a gentle tone, and raised his hand to signal the people beside him to come forward.

"Xiaobao, it won't hurt, don't be afraid," the man took out various instruments to examine Xiaobao, "it's fine."

About half an hour later, the man went to Yu Jinxiao's study with an inspection report.

"Xiaobao's heart problem is indeed the same as the result of the checklist you gave me, Mr. Yu. Viral myocarditis should be caused by a high fever before. Now it has been treated in sevens and eighties, and Xiaobao is also in the hospital He sneaked out and was sent to the police station."

"Isn't it a congenital heart problem?"

"No, I'm pretty sure."

"Well, you go back."

Yu Jinxiao was the only one left in the study. He looked at the stacks of inspection reports on the table and fell into deep thought.

Thinking back when he picked up Yu Yuanyuan back then, he also wondered who Yu Yuanyuan sent to touch porcelain.

After some investigation, it was found that it was just an oolong.

But is this also a coincidence?

It is a coincidence that a coincidence happens once, but it is not necessarily a coincidence when it happens again.

Before Xiaobao disappeared, she was in good health without any congenital diseases. If it is said that Xiaobao's heart is congenital, then she is probably not Xiaobao.

This inspection helped Yu Jinxiao rule out this possibility.

However, he still has other ways to prove everything, everything is under his control, it just takes a little time.

Yu Mingxi and Yu Yingze played with Yu Yuanyuan for a while, and when it was time to do their homework, they had to go back to their room.

Zai Zai, who was alone in the bedroom again, suddenly felt a little mustard.

Today's house is a bit different, with the addition of a little friend named Xiaobao, for her, Yu's house is no longer as easy to come and go as before.

But a cub is a bit boring, why don't you...go and see that little friend of Xiaobao?
(End of this chapter)

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